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Friday, March 30, 2012

Cooler than I expected

When I got home from work the other day, I had a surprise package waiting for me.  At first, I was freaking out that Canada had sent my package back from my friend there.  I recognized my handwriting!  Then I opened the box to an awesomesauceness I have yet to recover from!  You see, I was in a bad car accident in January (I'm OK) and my friend Oreo had started getting together a care package of polish for me.

Oh happy day!  Inside were more Joe Fresh polish and my latest lemming-China Glaze Ruby Pumps!  Stay tuned for that post!  So I thought I'd do a dedication post to my friend Oreo publicly thanking her for being so awesome and thinking of me.

First up, we have the silly bottle shot.

Here we have Joe Fresh Khaki, Soflajo Enchantment, Guardian of the Lake, Joe Fresh Teal and Orly Au Champagne. Oh yeah that's a lot of polish for one mani!

I started with skittles of Khaki and Teal.  I just couldn't decide which one to start with. These are two dusky colors that go perfect together.  Of course, the sun was hiding again for this part.




Aren't these two perfect together?  I sure think so.  I then stamped with Sally Hansen Whirlwind White and Aline's plate A02.  Here is that step-pre cleanup.


So I now need to jazz this up a little right?  I did the Soflajo Enchantment on the Khaki and Guardian on the Teal.  Then I topped it off with my funky in Au Champagne.  This came out way cooler than I had thought it would.  Hence the title!  I don't want to take this off!  Here are your shots.  Luckily, the sun peeked out long enough for me to snap some pictures.





Close Up

Are you kidding me right now?  I am loving this design! Seriously loving this!  I just can't stop staring at the sparkle and the colors here.  I will be sad when I take this off.

Thank you so much Oreo.  You are truly an awesome person and I'm so glad you are my friend.  This really meant a lot to me and I just love all the colors you sent me.

Ok people-mushiness over.  Until next time.  Any thoughts out there?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My first Barry M!

I have really been trying to get my hands on polish from around the world.  So far, I have polish from Slovenia, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and Puerto Rico.  I think it is so cool to try different polish.

I have been yearning to try Barry M.  Thanks to Harlow and Co, I can finally get my hands on them!  I have gotten twelve of them and couldn't wait another minute to try it out.

First up, the required silly bottle shot.

This is Barry M Indigo and Girly Bits Cosmic Ocean.

I started with Indigo.  This is my new favorite blue of all time-well maybe tied with Phallic, phallic, phallic.  You know I just love saying that!  The formula on this is perfect. I think my polish application is the best I've done so far.  My cuticles have that perfect half circle with just the right amount of space.  It's something I strive for but never quite get.  This is up there with some of my favorite bloggers. I am quite proud of myself here.

Yes if you can't toot your own horn-who else is gonna do it for you?  Here are the shots of the glorious Indigo.




Damn the sun! It was hiding and I so wanted to show this in all it's glory!  FYI-I do think this is a close dupe to Revlon Royal but this formula is SO much better.

Since I didn't want to mess with this too much (and let's face it-I was lazy) I did a layer of Cosmic Ocean.  Here is that step.


Pretty cool right?  Wait til you see what this top coat really does!  I did another layer of Cosmic Ocean and did my funky in Indigo.  The sun came out for this part-plus I did some blurry low light shots to show you the coolness of this polish.



Lamp light

Low Light

Lamp Light

Close Up Sun

Close Up Low Light

Macro Sun
Do you see how this changes from blue to green in different light?  I had to take a million pictures just to get good ones that capture this!  I so love this color changer-it's one of my top faves!

This is a simple but freakin cool mani showcasing my new love for Barry M!  I just love this brand!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Monday, March 26, 2012

This started as red-

I just finished typing this post and Blogger ate it! AAARRRGGGHHHH!  Now this is a redo!

You know how I've been totally into color change topcoats lately?  Well I started this mani with a sexy red and we shall see what color it turned into.

First up, the silly bottle shot.

This is Rescue Beauty Lounge Insouciant, SoFlaJo Dew Drop, Elemental Styles Chlorine Sheen and Essie Sole Mate.  My new collection of shells from this year's trip to Myrtle Beach is behind them.

I started with Sole Mate.  Which is my kind of red.  Dark, sexy, vampy and lovely.  Here are your shots.




I wish the sun had come out for this step.  It really is a pretty red.  Next I stamped with Sally Hansen Whirlwind White and Aline's plate A02.  Here is that step.

Pretty cool so far right?  The next step I did a layer of Chlorine Sheen.  Let's see what happened shall we?


Check that out!  How cool is that?  You just never know what's going to happen with color changers.  Since I was not expecting that, I had to change my original idea.  I next did a layer of Dew Drop and finished with my  funky in Insouciant.  Here are the results. The sun came out for this part!





Close Up

How cool is this?  I started out with a vampy red and ended with a sparkly purple!  I just love the sparkle in Dew Drop.  I think two posts in a row using it means I'm in love! Even though part of me was sad that I didn't have a red mani in the end-this came out so cool it didn't bother me for long!  That's the fun that is color changers!  I will never tire of playing with these!

Let's hope blogger doesn't eat this post again.  If it does-I'm gonna be truly pissed!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Couldn't decide which color to try first-

Now you all know how much I love color change top coats.  Well, one of my fave indie brands, SoFlaJo, came out with her new Spring colors.  Of course, I had to have some of them!

Before we get started, I am in mourning for my pretty nails!  Winter has finally beat my nails into sad peeling pathetic nubbins.  Two are down to the meat as Loodie would say. Luckily those are on my non picture hand.  After I did this mani you are about to see, the polish fell off in sheets!  So sad-I think I had too much oil on my nails trying to salvage what I have left. So as I write this, I sit here naked-no polish!

Here is your required silly bottle shot.

This is SoFlaJo Orange Blossom Special, Buttercup and Dew Drop with Bettina Garnet in the mix.  I couldn't decide which color to start with from the new collection, so I wore all three!  I started with skittles of the Buttercup and Orange Blossom.  Here are those shots.




Lately I have really been into yellow and orange polish.  It's weird!  These are so pretty! I think next time, I will do some underwear.  These were a little sheer so I had to do more layers.  I then stamped with Konad Black,  Aline's plate A02 and topped it off with a layer of Dew Drop which is a sheer white shimmer with some holo glitters.  I ended with my funky in Garnet.  Here are your results.





Close Up

You can really see the shimmer of Dew Drop on the black cat. There is also some sparse holo hex glitters in this as well.  It truly is stunning.  I can see myself using this a lot!  Aren't the cats cute?  I just love this mani!  I wish it hadn't fallen off hours later! That was my fault not the polish!

My poor sad nails are yucky right now!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?