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Monday, June 30, 2014

Red, Pink and Blue

Why is it that really only once a year can you wear red, white and blue otherwise people are always saying 'that's 4th of July' stuff.  Why can't I do a red, white and blue mani if I want to in December?  I just think it's sad as I wanted to wear those colors-but didn't want it looking all 4th of July like.

What did I do instead? I used a light pink instead of white.  Oh yeah people, there are ways to break the rules if you just set your mind to it!

I really don't have anything good to talk about today and I have a list of chores to do, so I'm just going to get on with it.

Here is your silly bottle shot.

This is Colores de Carol Holo Blast, Colors by Llarowe In The Navy, Bettina Gladiola and Colors by Llarowe Lucy, I'm Home.

I started with Gladiola and Holo Blast.


It has been so hot and humid lately, that I can't take my camera outside as it fogs up and I don't want to ruin it.  So I've been doing flash and indoor sun.

Next I placed tape and did some dots. I'm truly having fun doing these tape manis!


Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
I think this is pretty cool!  It's getting interesting all the designs and tape placing I'm coming up with eh?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bettina Sunkissed, LSL Rock My World, CbL Woman From Tokyo

Wow do I have nothing to talk about.  I'm staring at the screen, not even feeling like typing this but if I don't, then you guys won't have a post to read.

I'm still reading the book "He's Really Just Not That Into You" and it's making me realize that I have made excuses for the guys I've dated my whole life.  Not such a nice revelation to have.  I wonder why women make the kind of excuses that this book talks about.  Like when he says he's too busy to make plans or call you.  It's something I now understand that I'm doing and perhaps can make better decisions in the future, should a guy want to talk to me.  Right now, the pickins are slim.  I found this area on the online site that shows you all the people who've messaged you and when.

It goes all the way back to August 2012!!  WOW! I've been on this site for that long with nothing to show for it except for some silly stories and some really crappy guy behavior.

Enough on this.  Work is work.  Nothing new there.  2.5 months until my 12 day vacation.  MAN do I need some time off.  I haven't had a sick day since March.  Am thinking I need a sick day for my mental health. I think it's time for that don't you?

Do you do that?  Take mental health days?  You bet I do.  Not often, but yeah when I wake up and really not feeling it, I don't go.  Sometimes, I make myself go and it gets better, but there are those days when I just can't do it!  I'm getting to that point.  But yeah, fishing, Canada, time off-totally necessary.  It's too bad the USA isn't like other countries that take off the month of August.  That's the way to do it.  I've also heard that other countries don't work 40 hours a week like here.  Is that true?

Oh and I read in the paper the other day that the USA is LAST in health care.  WOW did that take me by surprise.  It wasn't talking about the actual procedures or whatever, rather it was talking about how much per person is spent on health care here versus Norway for example, that spends the least amount.  Other countries also cover all their people where here we don't.  It was an interesting article.  Oh and it's not the first time we've been last.  We are always last.  WTF???????

Onto the mani at hand.  Here's your silly bottle shot.

This is Colores de Carol Holo Blast, Bettina Sunkissed, Colors by Llarowe Woman From Tokyo and Liquid Sky Lacquer Rock My World.

I started with Sunkissed and Holo Blast.


Next I did some tape and dots.  Another cool design!

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
I think it's cool.  What do you guys think?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lick It Up Baby, Lick It Up

Those of you who are 80s freaks like me, may remember where this title comes from. It's from the movie Heathers.  One of my all time faves. When I saw a new holo maker had polish named after this movie, I just had to have them.

I was all sorts of productive yesterday.  I paid my bills, washed my wood floors, picked up all the sticks and twigs in my yard-trust me there was a ton.  I tied up my rose bush so it's not tipping over.  That's a lot don't you think?  So today, I shall not be doing too much.  I have magazines to catch up on.  Napping to do.  Yup.

My Facebook group's challenge for this week was brown and orange.  Nope I didn't pick them, we rolled dice that picked the colors.  Just so happens to be colors I love!

Here is your silly bottle shot.

This is Colores de Carol Holo Blast, Dead Set Babes Lick it up baby, Lick it up, CbL Blond Ambition, Burnt Sugar and Bettina Camel.

I started with Camel and Holo Blast.


How cool is this???  I'd be happy with just this!  The sun was being stupid, so this is flash.  Next I did more stripes, but a cool thing happened when I posed with a polish bottle.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
See what I mean? Random stripes line up to make a full hand stripe when I pose like this.  How freaky is this????  It freaked me out big time!  Too bad this wasn't rainbow colors-but hey-it's cool like this!

What do you think?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

CbL Sweet Revenge and Refreshing Stripes

I'm trying to think of anything exciting to talk about.  Nothing really is worth talking about at the moment.  I mean work is the same crap, although I can say that I have gotten my work caught up the way I like it.  So maybe that's a good thing.

Finished my new Stephen King book last night.  Called Mr Mercedes.  It was good I guess, just didn't have any of the weirdness that King is known for.  I like the weirdness. It's why I read his books.  Alas, I am a diehard, so I have to read them all.  I buy them in hardcover-the only author that I do that for.

I also bought myself a copy of the book, "He's Not Really Into You" or some such title. I'm told it will help me not fall prey to stupid men and their antics.  I'll let you know if I come to any really good conclusions after I've read it.

So this mani today turned out really cool.  It got a lot of love on Instagram.  One of the polish, Sweet Revenge was made with a bad base from Llarowe, it settles and doesn't stay put together.  They are already remedying the situation-but I could not wait to use this gorgeous holo.  So I just shook the hell out of it and used it anyway.  Man is it a stunner!

Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Bettina Clair, Colores de Carol Holo Blast, Colors by Llarowe Sweet Revenge and Refreshing.

I started with Clair and a layer of Holo Blast.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Man I love that sparkle!  Next I just placed some tape, did some stripes and people loved this one.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
I think it has something to do with the color scheme.  All I know is it's pretty freakin cool!

What do you think?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

CbL 5 polish mani

Remember that guy that crawled out from under the rock and messaged me after two years?  I feigned sick the day we were supposed to meet because we had talked the day before and I just wasn't feeling it.  He got all mad, told me good luck etc.  I wrote him back saying that I really was sick, just couldn't make it that day. He then texted me one day and I didn't get back to him within 24 hours.  No biggie in the normal world. Next thing I know, he's messaging me saying that since I hadn't texted him back, I must not be interested.

Really?  Even if I was, I'm not now due to your behavior.  The piece de resistance?  Got a text from him while I was at work yesterday.  Know what it said?  "You're an a**hole" Really?  Do ya feel better now dude?  WOW! What is wrong with people nowadays? My mom just keeps telling me I've got to get off these dating sites.  I guess I still cling to the hope that I will meet someone worth my time.

Not YOU stupid little man!!!!!

It's been hot as hell here this week.  I'm talking upwards of 95F. Today I think they are saying 98F.  All I know is, you get up past 91F and it's just damn hot and I don't need to know the number.  I'm not looking forward to having to go out in it today.  But hair dye day is my religion and I must go and get all prettied up again.  Ah what we women do to feel pretty.

Now today's mani is freakin cool.  I am not kidding.  It was not what I had intended to do when I started.  I was planning on another tribal like  my last one, but something else happened.  It may be a bit busy, but I like it.

Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, Colors by Llarowe Aliens and Outlaws, Gemini Rising, Young Turks and Black Gold.

I started with the OPI and added a layer of Aliens.


Indoor Sun
Look closely and you'll see the holo sparkles in this micro glitter.  It's stunning. Especially when you move your hands around in the sun.  Yes people, I know I don't do glitters, but you should also know I have a thing for black and white and holo glitters!

Next I did a massive amount of designing with tape and dots.  It took forever!!!!

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Please notice the blurry sparkle fest in the picture with the bottles-that's gives you an idea of just how much holo glitters are in there.  I'm not sure this totally goes well together-not sure the dots or the black glitters are too much.

What I do know is, it sure is holo-tastic!

What do you think of my guy text?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Shades of Grey Black Holo Tribal

Now there's a title for you eh?  I forgot to tell you all that I had my fourth medical facial this past week. After the third one, the rest of that month, my face was a damn pimple mess.  So when I saw her this time, I said let's go hard core and step up the acid and the microdermabrasion.  Boy did she!

The next day, my face was a huge mass of pimples and red.  It was pretty damn bad. We also changed my products as I was at the end of several bottles and felt I needed something stronger.  I am loving the new cleanser she switched me to.  My face a few days later was much better, right now it's just a flaky mess, which is a good thing.  My cells are turning over.  The zits are mostly gone.  I've been using retinol as a spot treatment and this new regimen seems to be doing pretty good.  I want to win this fight!

Yesterday my big boy cat Sam freaked me the hell out.  I was getting ready to brush him and wash his bummy as he's too fat to do it himself.  If I don't, he gets bladder infections and that means vet bills.  Being a nurse, I've washed plenty of bummies in my day.

Anywho, I was starting to brush him when he looked outside and this total look of fear came over his face. I'm talking terror.  I looked out there and saw nothing.  He then ran to my bedroom, and had his mouth wide open tongue out panting hard, just freakin out. Then he ran under my dresser, where he goes when he doesn't feel good.  I crawled under there with him and just pet him and soothed him.  It was NOT cool.  I was freakin not knowing what the hell was happening.  Later he calmed down and slept with me in the bed, which he hasn't been doing lately.  So that tells me he's feeling better.

Anyone know what the hell was going on with him?  I mean he's pushing twelve-but the look of terror on his face was a scary thing.

Let's get on to the coolest tribal I've done of late.

Here's the silly bottle shot.

This is Enchanted Polish Djinn, OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, Mavala Metallic Grey and Colors by Llarowe Black Gold.

I started with Grey and a layer of Djinn.


Not sure what happened on my pointer finger.  The second I did the topcoat it kind of shriveled.

So next I did some taped stripes then added some freehand tribal stuff.



I have to say, I think this is pretty freakin awesome!  I so love tribals, but they are so hard to do and so time consuming!  I think I'll do more!

Oh and I cannot stop listening to my new Iggy Azalea CD-it freakin rocks people!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

CbL Blond Ambition, Nice Melons, Unorthodox Annie

I'm having a brain fart and just can't come up with anything good to talk about.  So I'm just going to get right to it.

I'm not a fan of gold polish, gold jewelry etc.  But today's mani uses my first gold polish and it's a stunner for real.

Here's your silly bottle shot.

This is Colors by Llarowe Unorthodox Annie, Nice Melons and Blond Ambition.

I started with Blond and an accent of Melons.


This is one freakin strong holo for sure!  It was totally freakin my camera out!

I did another jigsaw-the holo is so blingy that some of the pictures are hard to see the design!



Indoor Sun
In this last picture-the holo is so awesome I can't stop staring!  I am in love with these CbLs!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Enchanted Scintealliant, Cbl Doves and Gemini Rising

Let's see here people-I'm sitting here listening to a new CD.  Am I the only one still buying CDs and not just downloading it?  I feel like I'm old school, but I like having the insert to read the lyrics etc.

What am I listening to?  Iggy Azalea.  She is a rapper, while I like rap, it's not a type of music I buy a lot of. But I saw a video of her "Fancy" song and just had to buy it.

I told my boss this past week that this job is killing me.  Part of me was joking, part wasn't.  Her reply?  It's killing me too!  HAHA!  I feel so sorry for her sometimes as she has entered a sh*t storm.  A mess so heinous that if anyone can fix it, it's her.  You see, some rich person gave my cancer center a butt load of money and since October last year they've been totally renovating our space in the hospital.  Right now our treatment room for chemo is two buildings over while it's being overhauled.  Remember my move to the basement?  All part of this.  I actually took a sneak peek last week, it's going to be beautiful when it's done, but to me it seems like the way they're doing it is not a good use of the space.

It wasn't supposed to take this long.  Plus, we are sadly short staffed and the bosses before this one did nothing.  So yeah, I get that she's feeling the stress like I am.  We had a giggle about the whole thing.  I did ask her how soon the new nurse would be starting to take over the extra work I've been doing.  She actually did the hospital orientation this week and will start on our clinic next week.  So the end is coming-I asked if she's stupid and I'm told she isn't.  So if that's true, she shouldn't need that long before she's able to take over.

I have literally lost six pounds from the stress.  Hopefully it's almost over.  Cross your fingers.

You know I collect Enchanted Polish.  Well my latest holy grail/lemming was Scintealliant.  This was a polish sold ONLY in France as a store exclusive there.  Man did I want this one bad.  I was messaging all the Enchanted Facebook groups, willing to swap my most precious ones for it.  Finally, finally a girl in France contacted me and I now own the elusive Scintealliant.  Yup nail mail all the way from France.  How cool is that?

Here's your silly bottle shot.

This is Enchanted Polish Scintealliant, Colors by Llarowe When Doves Cry and Gemini Rising.

I started with a full mani of Doves.



This is touted as a grey, but it sure has blue in it.  Gorgeous holo-ness as well!  These CbLs are amazing!

Next I did more color blocking.



Indoor Sun
So digging these stripes.  I just may need to try more of that!  I am LOVING this Scintealliant-it's a gorgeous holo for sure!

What do you guys think?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?