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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sticks and Sticks

The saying goes sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

What a load of crap right?  Any of us out there who has been picked on, knows this very well.  I'm wondering how and who came up with this saying?  I'm sure if I were ambitious enough, I'd google it.  I'm just not that curious I guess.

I get that it probably means names will never physically hurt you like sticks and stones. I never did like this saying.  When I was a kid, I was picked on big time.  I was the band/choir geek, not the jock that most of the school was.  I wore piano ties to go with my geekness.  I remember being picked on and you better believe it hurt.  Some of it is still with me today.

Why am I on this tear today?  No idea really, it just came to me as I was sitting here writing this post.

I decided it's been a while since I did a me mani.  What this means is a total brown fest just for me to enjoy.  Believe me, I needed this little pick me up.

Here is your silly bottle shot.

This is Rescue Beauty Lounge Decorous and Fortissimo.  Two of my favorite browns.

I started with Decorous and an accent of Fortissimo.  The sun was no where to be found. So you'll have to settle with inside shots.  Here they are.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
Decorous does have subtle shimmer in the sun, but it's hiding here.  Aren't these to die for?  I love this!

Next I stamped using plate Pueen05.  Here is that step.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
Now you get where the sticks and stones came from right?  I topped this off with my funky.  Here are the chocolicious results.  Yes I just made up a word.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite

Close Up

Personally, I think this is very cool.  Then again, I did do this just for me to enjoy so of course I'd like it!

You other brown lovers out there-are you loving this too?  Brown lovers unite!!!!  HAHA!

Just trying to convert the world one mani at a time.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Friday, March 29, 2013

Be Jolly

The sun was out and I was in a red mood so you all know what that means right?

It is snowing outside again. The calendar says it's Spring, but the weather has decided to do its own thing.  Hey that rhymes.  I'm a poet and don't know it.  HAHA!  Of course, I love the snow as you all know.  What's funny is there has been no snow all Winter and now that it's Spring, the snow's a flyin.  How's that for Murphy's Law?

All I know is that by tomorrow it'll all be gone.

I don't have any good stories to talk about today so let's just get on with it.

Here is your silly bottle shot.

This is Enchanted Polish Austin Powers and Bettina Be Jolly.  I was totally in a red mood today.

I started with a full mani using Jolly.  An after thought that I should have done an accent nail with Austin, but hindsight is 20/20 right?  Here is this glorious dusky pure red.



Ott Lite

Ott Lite
I am totally in love with this red.  It's stunning to me.  I didn't want to cover this up too much and I was not in the mood for a lot of work so I simply dotted and funky'd with Austin.  Here are the results.


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Close Up

Forgotten how gorgeous Austin is in the sun.  It's simply amazing.  I need to do a full mani so you can be blinded by bling!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New Kid on the Block

Calling all cream lovers out there!  Pay attention-there is a new polish brand in town!

About nine months ago, I got a tweet asking if I'd review a new brand of polish when it came out.  I made sure and asked if it was glitter. I was so happy when he said no glitter this time around!  WOOHOO!  There are way too many glitter makers out there.  I just don't feel there's any imagination to that.  You dump some glitter in a bottle and then do different combinations of the same. It's boring to me.  But give me a good cream or shimmer and I'm ecstatic.

What's the name of the brand you ask?  It's Bondi New York.  Seriously gorgeous colors and I'm happy to say, a nice formula as well.

Let's start with the silly bottle shot ok?

This is Contrary Polish Ain't No Sunshine, Bondi Tavern On The, and my beloved Lilacquer Selkie.

I started with Sunshine and an accent of Tavern.  Tavern is a dark creamy teal and stunning!  I thought it'd go well with Sunshine's greyness.  Here are the starting shots.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
Isn't this gorgeous?  My one complaint is the cap doesn't come off like a Chanel and it's big and bulky.  It makes it difficult when polishing if you have small hands like I do.  I have already told the company that they ought to look into this, that I'd bet others would have the same complaint. They promised to look at this for future collections. However, this Tavern was almost a one coater and you know how I love to stamp with normal polish right?

So I tested this brand out and stamped using Gals plate GA19.  I did not stamp the accent nail one because the teal is too gorgeous and two because Sunshine is way too sheer to stamp with.  Here is that step.


Ott Lite

See how well it stamps?  Awesomesauce right there!  Next I added a layer of Selkie and my funky using Tavern again.  Here are the cool results.


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Close Up

I am totally in love with this.  It's a teal fest!  Oh how I swoon for Selkie!  Now this Bondi lasted my normal three days of wear without chipping.  So it even lasts like other brands.

I am in love with this New Kid on the Block brand.  Please go and check out all their gorgeous colors.  I have one other to show you on a later post!

Thank you to Bondi New York for letting me try out this new brand. I hope I did your polish justice!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mo' Better

This is redemption for my last post.  If only I had used these colors and ideas the first time, the nightmare would never have happened.

I mentioned last post that I had a conference I was going to.  Well it was really informative and the speakers were just amazing.  They are pioneers in the cutting edge of treating testicular cancer.  It was really a great opportunity for me.

Some of you may have paid attention to a couple of tweets I sent out the other day. You see, this conference was held at a VERY schwanky and exclusive country club.  I will never be rich enough to ever have a reason to go to a country club other than these types of conferences.  So being uncouth as I am, I took some pictures.

The first picture is of the ladies room.  The antechamber as it were.  These fancy ladies do not use paper towels oh no, there are piles of hand towels to use and throw into a laundry basket.  Here is the fanciest potty I've ever seen.

As I said this is the anteroom. Behind me are the actual stalls and sinks.  Wouldn't you just love to lounge on that chaise and wile away the day?

My next picture is of the dessert I had.  Lunch was amazing.  The spread was endless. All with fancy china and silverware. I had to have the chocolate mousse.  This picture is deceiving.  This is actually in one of those tiny espresso cups with a demitasse spoon. It was heavenly. Here is that picture.

Isn't it dainty?  I was on my best behavior but just had to show you guys some of what I saw!

Now on to the redemption!  Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Chick Polish in Baby Cakes and Honey Bunch from their new Spring collection. Way nicer combination than my last post right?

I started with Baby and an accent of Honey.  Here are the starting shots.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
Oh how I love these two colors together!  Next I stamped using plate Cheeky CH10. Here is that step.


Ott Lite

Oh so much better so far!  I next added another stamp using plate BM14 and finishing it up with my funky.  Here are the awesome results.



Ott Lite

Close Up

I almost added sparkle but decided against it.  I'm glad I didn't.  It's much prettier this way.  Doesn't this remind you of wallpaper?  This was my original idea and wish I hadn't tried messing with it as on my last post.

What do you think? As my title says, is this Mo' Better?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?