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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Chanel Khaki Vert, Polish My Life Milk Chocolate Goodies, EP Flashing Lights

Today I just had to do a mani for me.  One where the colors are my favorite and I do it just for me to enjoy. Knowing others most likely will not.

Yeah it was one of those days.

Remember how I told you I've been swooning over YouTube lately?  Well, stupid me forgot that all those videos eat up my GB from my data plan.  I'm watching a bunch yesterday and I get a damn text message saying I've used 75% of my allowed GB so far.  I've even gone into the ton of rollover data I've collected.

Usually, I've been using about seven of the ten GB I have each month.  Right now, I'm already almost at eleven and there are five days left in the billing cycle.  Whoops! I'll need to be more conscious of that in the future.

So the news you've ALL been waiting for.  I've gotten several comments about Stupid and how my work place has been sucking lately.  Well I told you that the woman who does all her work was retiring.  That actually happened.  I wasn't for sure until it did.  Then one day last week she was unable to whine and cry herself out of getting off her a** and doing a clinic. She just complained about how hard it was and how it was just too much work.

Gee, she did one clinic with eleven patients.  I do three clinics with up to fifteen each.  What a baby.

Then it happened.

Stupid turned in her resignation!

Over that one day having to do a clinic.  She quit.  You better believe I stood up and did a happy dance when I found out.  There's no way she could have found another job already.  So that's really stupid of Stupid to do. Right before the holiday weekend, she was packing up her desk in several boxes and I had a smile on my face.

I'm not quite sure when her last day is, it's either this week or next.  All I do know is, my office is going to be so much better without her there.  I am so sick and tired of her and her whining and her nails on a chalkboard grating voice.  There is no better present for me at this moment in time then her leaving and never coming back.

Let's get to it.  Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Polish My Life Milk Chocolate Goodies (so wish the holo would transfer on this one), Enchanted Polish Flashing Lights and Chanel Khaki Vert.

I started with skittles.  My stupid camera is acting up lately.  I've no idea WTF so these aren't the greatest pictures.


I so wish the holo in the bottle would show on the nail as I said earlier.  Anywho, I then simply did a glitter gradient with the EP.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
These pics came out so much better.  It's just the flash mode that's acting up.  How pretty is this? I love the bit of sparkle, but it's not overpowering the colors underneath.

Yeah this is a perfect me mani.  It was not popular on Instagram, but I knew that going in.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?