Oh people. I have been having such a sh*tty time at work lately. Besides the whole pink hair/dress code fiasco, which I did fix and is now a darker bronzey red. It seems that I am being treated like a b*tch with way too much PMS. Stuff that I am taking to my boss that is clearly wrong is being blown off. The person doing the wrong is not talked to because to them, she can do no wrong in their eyes. It's such a bunch of bullsh*t. To top it all off, the person I most trusted to always be on my side, took their side. I left work crying at that betrayal. Dis me once shame on you-dis me again will NEVER happen. Apparently, I misjudged this person and I will just keep things to myself from now on. If they want things to go back to the screwed up way then so be it!
I decided I needed to go back to my dark vampy polish shades that I so love. No pretty happy pink, no happy stories. Just hard core reality. One cool thing I will tell you is I was tweeted that my silly bottle shots are being appreciated as art. Now some of you know, the silly bottle shot started out as me making fun of the whole stupidness of the bottle shot. Who cares what the bottle looks like? As I go on, I am running out of ideas but now must impress my fans!
Here is your silly bottle shot for today.
Oh yeah-this is my birdseed bin. I have a feeder out back to amuse my cats and myself. This is Lynnderella Sweets to the Sweet, Girly Bits Street Magic, Orly Naughty and Girly Bits January Morning.
I started with Naughty. This looks black in these pictures because once again, the sun was hiding. I really need to get a lightbox! In reality, this is a deep dark burgundy red creme and delicious. I love colors like this. Here are your shots.
Shade |
Indoors |
Shade |
Indoors |
Notice I didn't even do an accent nail. This is how much I love this color. I actually had a hard time picking a color to wear. Every one I picked out I had worn here before. Is there some rule that says I can't recycle a polish? If I don't, how will I ever finish a bottle? Who makes up these rules? For some reason, I just couldn't break this rule. But trust I will.
Next I did a layer of Sweets. Here is that step.
Indoors |
I am thinking this is too much glitter for me. It has different colored glitter interspersed with white glitter. It also has Lynnderella's signature hidden shimmer in it. Next I did a layer of Street Magic. Here is that step.
Indoors |
Do you see that green yellow shimmer? Next I did a layer of January Morning and another layer of Street Magic. I was on a layering kick. I ended it with my funky in the original Naughty. Here are the results.
Sun |
Shade |
Indoors |
Indoor Sun |
Sun |
Indoor Sun |
Close Up |
Macro |
I have to say I'm not sure I like how this came out. It kind of made all the different glitter red. In real life, the Street Magic glistens all sorts of colors at different angles. I am already dreading taking this off with all the glitter!
As a side note, I was chosen to preview the new set of MASH plates coming out soon. I am so excited and have already picked out the designs I'll be doing for the next few manis! Stay tuned for those!
I leave you with a random kitty shot.
Aren't they just the cutest?
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?