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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Green Goblin!

Today I sit in front of my computer trying to come up with words of wisdom.  I think I have run out of things to say.  Maybe it has to do with the pounding migraine going on that is blocking all my inspiration.  Maybe it has to do with telling people they have cancer the Friday before a three day holiday weekend.  Sometimes, it really gets to me. All my patients who have been told they have cancer.  I read the obituaries every day to see if anyone I know is in there.  Way too often there is.

Wow what a maudlin start to this post!  I would delete it but that would be fake of me to do.  This is how I am  feeling at this point in time.  By the time this posts, I'll be over it.  I figure if I ever get numb to my feelings, that's the time to stop being a nurse.

On to a more happy note! Here we have my big boy Sam and his monstrous belly showing us our bottle shot of the day.  Take it away Sam!  He actually posed for this!

Oh yeah, that is all 26 lbs of him!  This is Bettina #194 and Enchanted Polish Green Goblin. Of course I had to rub his belly for a few minutes!

I started with the Goblin, which is a gorgeous green holo with an accent of #194 which is a stunning dark teal creme.  Leaning more on the green side.  Here are those shots.


Indoor sun


Indoor Sun
Isn't this stunning??  I am loving this combination of holo and creme.  Next, I stamped with MASH plate 40 and finished it off with my funky french.  Here are way too many shots of this awesomesauce!




Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Close Up

I never tire of those rainbows.  I just love them.  I love the contrast between a holo and a creme.  Don't you?

I just ordered an Ott light and hope that it helps on days when the sun don't shine. Also, I got in a new set of color change topcoats.  So I will be playing with those and leaving the holos for a bit.  Believe me, I have a ton more holos to show you.  I just don't believe in layering a color changer over a holo and muting the rainbows.  It's like sacrilege to me! But I may just have to try and see what happens!

These MASH plates are out for sale now!  Make sure you click here to buy them!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?