I figured out where the Moby Dicks were hanging out and literally caught fourteen huge fish. I caught two-two pound largemouth bass and two ten inch rock bass, as well as huge sunfish. Here are some other pictures for you.
The first three pictures are the largemouth bass and the bottom three are the rock bass. I didn't realize I was holding one upside down! They were very much alive and flopping when this picture was taken so I had to act fast. Yes we will be eating these for supper and when you read this, will already have been eaten.
I took a picture of a couple loons on the lake. I just love the sound they make.
No I was not this close to the loon. In the first picture, you can see the speck that is the loon. That's the view from the camp.
I sunburned my arms and hands like I always do. Still have a rash going on on my hands. It's all good.
Hope you've enjoyed being with me in Canada!
Oh BTW, to my Canadian peeps-we went to the grocery store in town and they sell milk in a bag. Now growing up, my dad was a milkman and delivered milk to the stores etc. But in the USA, we don't sell milk in a bag. Seemed very fragile and any moment would burst and spray milk everywhere. I asked the clerk why Canada does this, her reply was "we've just always done it this way." Said that you take the bag of milk and pour it in a pitcher. So I'm wondering why Canada sells milk in a bag and what do you do with it when you get it home??
I REALLY want to know!
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?