So after the fiasco that I call puce, I needed to pick a color that would make my day better. I decided I needed the serenity of a calming blue. For me, that is China Glaze Calypso Blue. This is a true deep, cerulean blue. It is sublime. I'm going to go so far as to say it's a jelly. It's a squishy, shiny, dark blue. The pigment is so rich, I almost skipped the second coat. But the OCD in me wouldn't let me. That would just be wrong! The problem I did encounter was with the brush. The stem is so long that it holds too much polish. This makes for sloppy placement if you're not careful. Just when you think you've gotten all the excess off, more comes down the stem. Please excuse my nail cleanup, this color is so pigmented, it stained my skin. But this color makes me happy. It's a keeper.