I'm tired as all get out. I'm all for July 4th fireworks, but damn people. Do you have to shoot them off ALL night?? I mean I live in the woods, sound travels big time and I was just over it. Midnight? Still going. You know the people are drunk and stupid and probably shooting their fingers off anyway. I see a long nap in my future today. Last year, some drunk in Richmond shot his gun off in the air and it killed a five year old boy who was just hanging with his dad. I mean can you imagine? I think that is one of the saddest stories ever.
They still don't know who did it. But this is what people think is fun? Getting drunk and shooting guns in the air. At least last night, I didn't hear any guns. Just the damn raccoon messing with my bird feeder. Damn him! I had to get up, go outside and take the feeder in. I've been doing that lately. When I get up to pee after dark, I go outside and bring the feeder in so as to teach the raccoon to go away. I went a good week doing this and thought one night not doing it would be ok. Plus the noise of the fireworks I figured would scare the critter off. Well hell no. He was out there just going to town.
So yeah. That was my holiday fun.
Here is your silly bottle shot.
This is Colors by Llarowe Mystery & Mayhem and Sweet Revenge with Liquid Sky Lacquer Easter Morning in the middle.
Yeah, me with a glitter! For some reason, this one just called to me. Plus when I removed it? Being a micro glitter, it wasn't all that painful to remove.
So I started with skittles.
Flash |
Flash |
So remember last post when I said you would see that design again? Here it is. I did a simple design and added studs. Here are the results.
Indoor Sun |
Indoor Sun |
Indoor Sun |
What do you think?
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?