My last post I called a failure. Many of you liked it anyway and KarenD said to never call them a failure because there's always someone who will like it!
Instead of calling this one a failure, I will just say, I'm not so proud of this either. It's hard to see the design although I do like the colors together.
Did you make New Year's resolutions? Mine for the past few years has been to write in a journal every day. I have many many blank journals but still cannot get myself into the regular habit of doing it. I have this weird fetish to own new blank notebooks. I get mesmerized in the office aisle at Target and Walmart and have to force myself to walk on by. This is probably the weirdest factoid I have ever shared with you. It's all Kas's fault-she had to go and tell us all about her weird sock rules. If you haven't seen
that post, you really need to. The girl seriously needs therapy! She knows I love her and am just poking fun-so I don't need comments to that effect. Maybe I need therapy for my notebook fetish?
My other resolution is to only buy Rescue Beauty Lounge and Bettina polish this year. I have way too many polish and you people are not helping me get rid of them by buying them from my blog sale! I have lowered the prices to an all time low! Help a girl out wouldya? I really want to stick with this and unless there is some crazy awesome polish that appears, I'm just going to say no. Think I can do it?
If you said yes, you're wrong! I've already broken that rule so I'm starting over again today! I just had to buy picture polish Cosmos because apparently it's the closest we will get to Essie Starry Starry Night. I need all the willpower I can get to stick to my resolution from today on.
Here is today's silly bottle shot.
This is Random the Bear holding OPI Skip the Gift Wrap and Gift Cards for Everyone. These were special Ulta Christmas polish.
I started with Wrap and no accent nail. Just thought it was such a pretty evergreen blueish green shimmer. Here are the starting shots. The sun was not cooperating-it is what it is.
Clouds |
Ott Lite |
Cloudy |
Ott Lite |
Isn't it a pretty green? I think so. Next I stamped with Cards, which is a blurple shimmer and my new Pueen plate Pueen05. It is hard to see the design, so I've added extra closeup shots.
Cloudy |
Ott Lite |
Close Up |
For some reason, I couldn't leave this alone, so I added a layer of Selkie thinking it would help. It didn't, but it did add a pretty shimmer. Here is that step.
Ott Lite |
Ott Lite |
It kind of ruined the pretty green of the Wrap. The first time I think I shouldn't have used Selkie! I topped this of with my funky using the Gift. Now the sun came out days later, so hence the tipwear-look away! Here are the results.
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Close Up |
Macro |
Selkie does redeem herself in the sun shots doesn't she? I really do love that polish!!! Next time, I just need to be better at picking my colors so the design can be seen better.
What is your weirdest fetish? Keep it PG people! Any resolutions out there? Have you kept them or broken them yet?
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?