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Friday, July 20, 2012


I absolutely love rainbows.  There is nothing prettier in my mind.  Whenever I see a rainbow, it just stops me in my tracks and I think of how beautiful it is. Do you ever wonder what truly is at the end of a rainbow?  I know there isn't a pot of gold, but I do wonder why I never see where it starts and ends.  Why is that?  Does anyone out there know why?  Just something I ponder from time to time.  It's all part of the mysteries of life and nature.

Since my last dot mani was a fail in my mind, I thought I'd try to do something with dots and the primary colors. Although the vote is in and more people liked my pink nightmare mani than not.  The biggest complaint was the Selkie green blue shimmer didn't go with the pink.  Heck by that point, I was just trying to salvage what I felt was a huge fail!

Let's take a look at the silly bottle shot for today.

I do realize for all you art people out there, that purple and orange are NOT primary colors.  Just an FYI.  This is Glitter Gal Light as a Feather, Orly Au Champagne, Bettina Purple, Vintage, Green Apple, Yellow, Orange, Flame and of course Lilacquer Selkie.  I am getting a real kick out of using Selkie often!

I started with two coats of Au Champagne and one coat of Light as a Feather.  Here is that step.


Ott Lite

Ott Lite
This Light as a Feather is a very weak holo.  It is also not white, but a light grey.  Kind of disappointing.  I next took my dotting tools and did rows of color to make a rainbow. Here is that step.


Ott Lite
Pretty cool so far eh?  I overlapped the dots to make a sort of gradient effect. Next time, I need to make more room for the poor purple. It got shoved in the corner.  I next added two layers of Selkie for shimmer.  Here is that step.


Ott Lite
I never tire of that Selkie shimmer!  Guess what's coming next?  You got it, my funky but alternating colors like I did the rainbow.  Here are the really freakin cool results.


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Close Up

It's a double rainbow!  I am in love with this mani!  I think it's way too cool for words! Then again, I told you that I do love a good rainbow!

What do you think?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?