I'm back people! And I'm well rested and today is my last day of vacation. Day #12 off in a row.
Yes people. I don't fool around when I take my yearly vacation. A week is just not enough for me. Nope no way. But I'm already dreading the 0445 alarm tomorrow as I have been sleeping in and loving it!
Now this is going to be a picture heavy post. I warned you!
First off, I drove nine hours to where I grew up. I love a good road trip and no I don't fly. It terrifies me. I drive everywhere. Once I got to my mom's house, the first thing we did was go see my dad's grave. I hadn't seen his headstone yet as it couldn't be placed back in May when he was buried.
I have to tell you I am still really having an incredibly hard time with his death. I know my mom is as well. It was surreal standing there, knowing that your dad is under the ground never to be seen again.
Reality sucks big time.
I actually went back again by myself and had a long talk with him and a long sobfest. Did it make me feel better? Maybe a tiny bit, but not really. The things I said to him, I wish I had said in person. I thought I had more time. People out there-don't be like me. Say what needs to be said now before it's too late.
OK enough of that.
The next morning after I arrived, mom and I went to our camp in Canada. Those that pay attention know I go there every year and that it is my happy place. The place where I am most content etc.
On the way there, we pass a field of wind turbines. I happen to love these things but I know there is a whole lot of controversy about them. Here are pictures I snapped from the moving car. I only had my iphone, I did not bring my camera with me.
Aren't they pretty? I am fascinated by these turbines!
Next we crossed the USA 1000 Island Bridge.
Then of course, you have to go through Customs into Canada.
We picked the line that took the longest. Sometimes you pick wrong!
USA and Canada have the same Labor Day Holiday. We got there and the lake was packed with people and boats and jet skies and noisy kids. I go there for the peace and quiet and to be the only people on the lake. Luckily, they all left that evening and I got my quiet. It was also hot as hell. I got badly sunburned.
Trust that it was way redder IRL! And yes I know all about sunscreen so please don't start with me. I go outside once a year and I'm opposed to sunscreen. It's a thing with me.
Now though, I am a peeling mess. I hate that!
The fishing was awful. I caught two largemouth bass. One we ate, the other was too cute and I threw him back in the lake.
How pretty is this fish? That's why I just couldn't eat him. Plus, he just wasn't big enough as a trophy fish. Even though the fishing was awful, I love it there and wish I could live there and wish I could go more than once a year. I also don't have internet in Canada-I refuse to pay for that. So I was unplugged for those five days and for most of the time I was at my mom's. It was nice.
Mom and I kayaked every day for two hours at a time roughly. The last day we were there, we floated into a group of literally 50 loons. It was an amazing sight. We just sat there in the middle of the lake and watched them and listened to their chirping to each other. I didn't have my camera with me and I so wish I could show you pictures, but I don't even have them for myself. It was a magical experience.
It just goes way too fast. I wait all year for it to come and then it's gone and over.
So let's look at another of the Barielle colors from the Mirror Mirror collection called Blushing Beauty.
Now these aren't the best pictures as my nails are crap, still growing out and this polish was a jelly and not cooperating.
What I did was pull out another glitter. Damn hell you say? Another glitter? What is wrong with me??????? This one is from Nails Inc from the holiday time, from the Snowflake set this one called White Chapel which has white and gold dot and bar glitter with holo sparkles. My camera would not take a decent picture. The sparkles freaked it out.
It is a pretty glitter as far as glitters go!
Stay tuned for my next post as it is a big time rant.
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?