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Sunday, April 12, 2015

LSL Easter Morning, CbL My Broken Down Cropduster

So I was in the mood for me colors today.  Plus the sun was out in full force, so of course I had to wear holos as well!

Stupid really got on my nerves the other day.  I was minding my own business, faxing stuff when the fax machine malfunctioned.  I swore as I always do and Stupid looked at me and said, "you swear a lot."  Well let's just say no sh*t Sherlock, I have the mouth of a sailor as my mom used to say and all my coworkers put up with my belching and swearing.

So I said to her, "you're just figuring this out now? How long have you worked here?"  She had no reply.  As her next gripe was the fact that she had to get off her a** on a Friday afternoon to run a clinic and how dare they have a clinic on Good Friday.  I was not going to let that one pass, so I said it's a Catholic holiday, it's not a national holiday.  She didn't bother me the rest of the day.

As far as the secret meetings to fix things go? We haven't made any progress as we haven't really had the meetings.  I think I'm the only one who really wants to make some positive things happen.  I told the lady running the things that I was sorry that they cancelled on her right before the meeting was to start.  It really was a crappy thing for them to do.  But what do I know? I'm just a peon in the grand scheme of things.

All right, let's check out this old school holo.  Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Liquid Sky Lacquer Easter Morning and Colors by Llarowe My Broken Down Crop Duster.

I started with all Easter Morning.  This is a gorgeous pale yellow scattered holo.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
I caught this just right and you can see the different rainbow sparkles.  As much as I love in your face linear holos, sometimes subtle holos like this one, are just as stunning.

All I did was my old stand by funky french.

Outdoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Yup, yellow and brown, my kind of colors and a gorgeous holo rainbow just makes me happy.

I should be back to normal nail art if not the next post, than the post after.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?