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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sexy Stripes

Today I have something brand new to this blog.  I have seen many blogs do such cool things with striping tape, that I ordered some up.  I finally got them in the mail so it was time to use them.  The sun was on full shine so you know I had to incorporate a holo in there somewhere right?

I finally met someone worthy of my greatness on my online dating quest.  One who did not send me erection pics, nor one who was only fascinated with my boobs.  This one has the same kind of sarcastic humor going that I do, can take it as well as dish it out. This is a requirement if you are to date  me. We emailed furiously back and forth for hours, then talked on the phone-mind you, this is the first guy I've even talked to on the phone.  We got along like we've known each other for years.  I am not going to give any specifics here, just know that I was really digging this guy.

So what's the problem you ask?  This guy is only looking for a good time.  Nothing wrong with that, but I'm looking for a relationship.  Not marriage, not living in sin, just a nice easy relationship.  We were completely honest with each other, which I'm finding is rare on this particular dating site.  We actually went on a date and it was really nice.  He texted me a couple hours later to say he had a good time, which is always nice.  But all I can think about is the fact that he has a long list of women that he is talking to.  A loooooooooong list.  I told him I would not be one of his women, that if he wanted me, he would have to forsake all others.  I don't think that is in his DNA.  So I will just chalk it up to a nice date and leave it at that.  There are a couple others I am emailing with, so I will just put this guy out of my mind and move on. If that is even possible!

That guy has actually been texting me and wants to have another date, and I think I made a date with a different guy on Saturday.  So we will see what happens right?  Who will win the heart of Fingers?

OK enough mush for today.  Here is your silly bottle shot.

This is Enchanted Polish Midnight and China Glaze Ruby Pumps.  Surrounded by my striping tape.  I was in a vampy mood.  I started with Ruby, as you all know, this is one stunning red.  Here are those shots.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
This is one gorgeous red isn't it?  Next I cut strips of tape and laid them diagonally across my puny nails and topped that off with Midnight.  I quickly removed the tape, added my funky in Ruby and here are the ultra cool results.


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun


Indoor Sun

Close Up

Is this not the coolest thing ever?  I am definitely hooked on this technique.  I'll be playing with this for a few manis to come.  I love how the holo shows the rainbows, with the red peeking out through them.  Sheer poetry I tell you!

I can only hope that that guy comes to his senses and realizes he just can't live without me right?  A girl can dream!

Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?