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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Date Nails

So here's the post you've all been waiting for.  I have been chronicling my online dating for a while now and had my first date yesterday.  Of course you will be reading this days after-but as I write it, the feelings and happenings are still fresh in my mind.

I asked him what his favorite color is and he said red.  I figured I'm come up with this fabulous red creation that would just make his heart stop.  Obviously, for guys, they don't give a sh*t about nail polish, so my excitement did not translate to his.  He thanked me for doing them for him and went on with the conversation.  I don't think it would have mattered if I had naked nails or fancy nails.  That is just not a guy thing.

We watched two movies, "Cabin in the Woods" and "Prince of Darkness."  I have told you before that I love scary movies.  After that, we just hung out and talked and I think it went well.  I think he likes me and I like him-but when you are in your forties, dating is much harder.  People have their own stuff going on,  there is not as much free time as when you're younger with less responsibilities.  We are in the process of figuring out when we will even see each other again.  So the question is-what's the point?  If you only see each other once every weekend or every other, how do you get the quality time when the quantity isn't there?  Is it something that at my age is all I'm going to get?  Is that enough? I'm not sure I can do this anymore.  It's too hard.

So instead of the silly bottle shot-come on, we all know what the bottle looks like, I thought I'd share with you a creepy but pretty spider living outside my house.  At least it's not INSIDE my house. For the squeamish, you will want to skip the next two pictures.

I was not about to get close enough for a clearer picture!  But this spider does have pretty bright yellow stripes.  I can see the beauty of nature sometimes as long as nature stays outside!

I decided to do a red fest for my date.  I used all Bettina for this.  I started with #15, which is a bright cherry red creme.  I forgot the Ott Lite for this part-but here are the sun shots.


Oh so sexy right?  I was running out of time to do the elaborate mani I had in mind, so I was forced to do quick and easy dots.  I used Bettina Chic and Bordeaux.  Here is that step.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
I then added a few more dots using Ruby, the only shimmer in this mani, and topped it off with my funky with Ruby again.  Here are the results.


Ott Lite

Ott Lite
This is certainly NOT my best work.  I thought afterwords that I should have done my funky in black, but then thought it'd look like a ladybug.

I'm not good at this dating stuff.  Maybe it's just not for me.  I'm told to just enjoy what we have now.  I'm not looking for marriage or anything remotely close to that, but am not sure that this is enough for me.  I plan on still looking and going with the flow. That's all I can do for right now.

What do you guys think?  Am I being unreasonable?  I've been out of practice in the dating scene for a long time.  Have things changed?  Is this how things are now?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?