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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Polish My Life Blue Pansy, EP January 2014 and freehand

Today's mani will definitely make up for my last post!  Even though it was a sparkle fest, it wasn't what I was trying to do!

Gee, it seems I haven't had any good Stupid fodder for you lately eh? Are you missing those stories? The only thing I've got is that Stupid was all sorts of mad that she had to work half a day New Year's Eve.  Why couldn't she get a week off?

Well let's see here, you've been here how long now? Three years? And you STILL don't know the holiday policy that states you are only allowed five days off? Hmmmmmmm.  Just kills me.  So proves my moniker for her is right on the money.

Sadly, there really hasn't been much happening at work at all.  I guess that's a good thing, but now that the new year is here, you have to wonder what's in store.

I decided to take the plunge and buy a "life planner" as it were.  Maybe it will help me have a better life?   HAHAHAH! Yeah right.  I'm not going to go all spaz and join the journal/planner groups on Facebook and buy all sorts of cool crap to accessorize my planner.  Well, at least I don't think I will. We already know I have an addictive personality with nail polish don't we?

I bought mine from Erin Condren. If you do nothing else, humor me, follow that link and hover your cursor over her name in the top left of the website.  See what happens.

I'll wait.................

How freakin cool is that?????  I want to add that to my own blog.  Have a happy noise and a burst of sparkles come out of my header? I would be a happy camper that's for sure! Hear me now, I will be asking my designer if this is something that can be done. I keep going back to that site just to play with it!

Yeah, I'm not kidding.

Dammit my nails are getting way too long to type.  Starting to make me mad!  I see filing in my future!

All right.  Here's the silly bottle shot.

This is Polish My Life Blue Pansy,White Ice, Stripped and Enchanted Polish January 2014.

I started with all Blue Pansy.  This started off not so great, but then wham, the second coat just made it all better.  This totally stays deep blue and does not appear black. It's perfect.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
OMG is this not the perfect deep blue creme????

Next I sponged and free handed.  Here are the way cool results.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Just realized I forgot the glitter polish in the bottle shot.  It's Nails Inc Snowflake polish in White Chapel.  Has white and gold glitter in it.  Stunning for a glitter!

What do you think? Are you liking my scenery manis or not?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?