Before we get to the meaning behind my title, be forewarned there are WAY too many pictures in this post. I swear I just could not cut any out. You'll thank me later, I just know it.
Update on the cicadas. There was a front page article in the newspaper the other day. Like I really need to see it in my paper when I'm living it right? Anywho, they were talking about how they are just showing up in sporadic spots and guess who's neighborhood is one of the lucky spots?!? Mine!!! I could have told them that!! The other fun fact I found out is that as they die and rot, there is an amazingly awful smell. That's already started and since it's been 90F plus outside, it's not helping the situation at all. It's supposed to storm later so I'm hoping that'll wash the air at least for a little while.
Back to the mani at hand. I decided it had been awhile since I'd done a layering experiment. I wondered what would happen if you layered a holo over a holo. I'm not sure the underwear holo really shows or makes a difference. I'd have to repeat this without the holo underneath. I'll let you decide.
Let's start with the silly bottle shot.
This is Orly Liquid Vinyl, Pretty and Polished Black Swan and Pretty Jelly Hestia. Kind of digging how the bottles go from big to small. It's the little things that amuse me.
I started with a layer of Vinyl, which is a plain old black. I didn't take pictures of it because we all know what black looks like. I topped it with a layer of Swan. Here is the first step.
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Not a very strong holo, but more a light scattering. Next I added a heavy layer of Hestia, which is a duochromey holo. Here is that step.
Sun |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
The last picture is intentionally blurry. Check out those rainbows! I added more pictures because different angles show different colors. I finished this off with my funky using Swan again. Here are way too many pictures of the cool results.
Sun |
Indoor Light |
Indoor Sun |
Indoor Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Indoor Sun |
Indoor Light |
Ott Lite |
Close Up |
Macro |
Seriously people-how many different colors do you see in this holo? I am in love with this. Do you think the black holo underneath helps this or not really? My thought is not really. I'm thinking this would look the same over regular black polish.
I told you there was a reason for too many pictures!!! You can thank me in the comments! HAHA!
I have the rest of Pretty Jelly's duochrome holos to play with. Plus, I finally got in my order of 15 more holos!!! Stay tuned for more rainbow fun. I just can't get enough. I've got a serious problem!
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?