I'm all sorts of proud of myself today. Want to know why? Because I have outsmarted my squirrels! Yes this is pretty damn sad that I take pride in besting a poor defenseless squirrel. If any of you have a bird feeder that claims to be squirrel proof you know what I'm talking about. No feeder is squirrel proof. I'm convinced of that. I have tried three different types and brands with no luck.
The one I'm using now I thought would really be tough for the squirrel to figure out. It has a cage around the outside and when the squirrel jumps on it, the weight drops the cage and closes off the holes where the seed is. Guess what? The squirrel figured out that he can stand on his hind legs and hold up the cage with one paw and get the seed with the other. Damn him! Plus it kept breaking from the weight. I finally devised what I think is at least keeping it from being broken but alas, the squirrel still gets the food, just not as much. I took picture frame hangers and replaced the hooks that kept slipping from the feeder and taped up the latches and top so they couldn't take the top off either. I'm talking a bunch of squirrels, not just one. Oh well. You can't win them all right?
On to today's mani. I have found what I consider to be in my top five of all green polish. It's from my fave indie brand Elevation Polish! Here is your silly bottle shot.
This is
Elevation Polish Torres del Paine, Lilacquer Selkie and Bettina Green Apple. I started with Green Apple and an accent of Torres. Oh how I am swooning for this Torres. It is the most perfect green grass creme color I have ever seen. I absolutely love it. Here are your starting shots.
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Please ignore the bumps and dings. This I did myself trying to fix the stupid feeder right after I polished this layer! Anywho, is this not the perfect green? I'm talking stunning and gorgeous and in my top five. The Green Apple is just that. Perfect as if I were holding an actual apple.
Next, I stamped with the opposite color using plate SDP-L. I'm loving that plate. I've used it for every mani I've done the past several posts! Here is that step.
Ott Lite |
Ott Lite |
This is with a quick cleanup and no top coat. Next I added a layer of Selkie which is a blue green color changer and topped it off with my funky in the color I stamped with. Here are your awesome results.
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Indoor Sun |
Indoor Sun |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Close Up |
Macro |
I think this is one of my favorite manis. I love how the Selkie gives it that cool blue shimmer in just the right light. I love that this looks like grass on my nails. I got a lot of compliments on this one.
Do you have squirrel troubles? Do you have a feeder solution for me?
Stay tuned because the Elevation Polish giveaway is coming later this week! You will have a chance to win an entire set of her June news including this stunning green!
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?