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Friday, July 4, 2014

Clouds, LSL Raspberry Dawn and CbL

I continue on with playing with my beloved Bettinas with a holo top coat.  Today is no exception.  This Bettina I haven't used before and it turned out to be one gorgeous fluffy jelly white.  I may be using this one again and again.  I was also having a bad day so I was lacking in the idea department.  Yeah, it happens.

Oh, before I forget-I'm having big time issues uploading pictures to Pinterest.  It is going very slow and then when you think it's ready to show the picture, it shows an error.  I am many pics behind in my uploading, but don't have the patience or the high speed internet to perhaps make it work better.

My neighbor was getting a high speed internet upgrade yesterday.  I didn't think we had the capability where I live in the woods.  She said oh yeah, it's been here for about two years.  Yeah, I must live under a rock.  I do believe I've told you that before.

She gets the TV/phone/internet bundle.  I just looked online, and for the fastest internet, it's like $90/month for just the internet.  Of course it's cheaper getting the bundle, but I'm not interested in the other crap.  Then I looked and at least online it is telling me I can't just get internet where I live.  I am not sure I care that much, but I may still make a phone call to ask for sure.  It would be nice to be able to stream Netflix and horror movies as I please.  Plus using wireless would cut down on my iphone gigage use.

Just a thought at the moment.

Here's your silly bottle shot.

This is Bettina Clouds, Colores de Carol Holo Blast, Liquid Sky Lacquer Raspberry Dawn and Colors by Llarowe Watch Me Fly, See Me Soar.

I started with Clouds and Holo.  Now this Clouds as I mentioned is a gorgeous fluffy white jelly.  I think I'm in love.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Oh how I love this!  I could stop right here and maybe I should have since this is not one of my better manis!

I did some tape and some dots.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
I do love the holo bling to this, but think it's not living up to what I've been doing lately.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?