I've discovered Instagram. Not only have I discovered it, I am totally addicted to it. Why has it taken me so long to figure out this awesome app? I've done nothing else but stare at the pictures on Instagram. Literally done nothing else. Thanks a lot
Sarah! It's all her fault. She got me hooked.
If you hadn't noticed, I have added more Follow Me buttons on the right side bar. I am trying to figure out how to make them black and white and pretty like my blog background. But that's a work in progress. Just know that I'm linked up all over the place. When Sarah and I were talking, I was complaining about all these things that we are expected to do when you have a simple nail polish blog. Think about it. You do your blogging, then Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin, Feedly, Pinterest and now Instagram. How do you even have time to do anything else in life? You're so busy keeping up with all these apps and doing your nails that it leaves little time for anything else.
Anyone else feel stressed out by all of this?
As I mentioned on my last post, the sun has not been my friend lately. In reality, I rather like cloudy, dreary days. Rain is even better. But I have all these holos I want to wear and show you but I can't without the sun. This was proven on my last post, trying to show holos without sun is just sadness.
For today's mani, the sun was hiding, so I knew I couldn't do holos. Of course, once I was all done with this mani, the sun came out. Mocking me.
Here is your silly bottle shot.
This is Bettina Garnet, Lilacquer Kitsune and Dior Apparat. Remember this Dior? I started with Garnet and an accent of Apparat. Here are the starting shots.
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Ott Lite |
No I did not see all this stuff on my fingers until I was watermarking them! Aren't these colors great though? So pretty! Next I stamped with MoYou black stamping polish and Cheeky jumbo plate 1 Viva Mexico. It wasn't working using the opposite colors like I usually do. Here is that step.
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Ott Lite |
Pretty cool, but I thought the black a little too harsh so I added a layer of Kitsune, which is like Selkie but with red and yellow shimmers. I topped it off with my funky. Here are the results and yes the sun came out for this part!
Indoor Sun |
Ott Lite |
Indoor Sun |
Ott Lite |
Close Up |
Macro |
Check out that sparkle! I think this came out pretty cool. I wasn't sure at the beginning.
Are you on Instagram? Are you stressed by all these social media apps too?
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?