I follow a LOT of blogs. A LOT! I love them all and just couldn't be without my daily fix of them. I have seen so many designs, color combinations and awesomeness that I want to try. Today's color combo is not my own. I saw it on
Let Them Have Polish. The design and the funky french are as always mine.
I am continuing on with Color Club today. I can't believe I haven't tried this brand sooner. I am really loving it. The formula is on the thicker side, which I like and I could get away with one coat-if I wasn't obsessed. I give you Blue-topia and Lumin-icecent.
Blue-topia is a deep dark blue jelly and I think a possible dupe to Nars Midnight Express. I got a really nice comment on a very old dupe day post last night thanking me for helping her decide which color to get based on my comparison. I realized I hadn't done a dupe day in a long time and promise that one is coming very soon! Any requests-let me know! Lumin-icecent is a sky blue foil from their foil collection.
Here is the required silly bottle shot.
I have to say that as much as I am loving this blue, I am already dreading the smurf skin. I just know it's coming! However, this blue is so worth it. If you missed out on the Nars-this is your substitute. Here are your indoor and outdoor shots.
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Isn't it beautiful? I know-you are sitting there saying 'it looks black to me', well trust me, it's not. On the other blog, they used the Lumin-icecent to stamp with and I just thought they looked so pretty together that I just had to emulate it. I used plate BM 222 and my usual funky french.
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Can you see why I just had to do this color combination? Aren't they really great together? I do have one complaint-this foil is a b*itch to get off. Doing my cleanup, I have little glitters all over my fingers. I can just see I'm going to have a hard time removing the blue and then the foil on top of it. Oh the price we pay for beauty-eh?
Have you guys seen something so awesome you just had to try it and then actually did? Let me know!