Which I guess is a cool thing, but people aren't staying to read other stuff, just that one post. I also think I may be getting too lazy to keep up with this blog. As much as I love it, it's s sh*t ton of work. People who don't blog have no idea just how much work it takes.
Have you heard that Kesha is coming out with a new album in August? Yes I have already preordered. I have listened to her single Praying that has been released. I have only heard it once and my first impression is meh. I love the TikTok Ke$ha, not this cleaned up, totally obvious what the lyrics are about Kesha. I so hope the rest of the CD is like the music we've known and loved.
I get she's been through a lot, but dayum people stop changing your sound.
It's like Lady Gaga. Her first album is so different than her most recent one. It's like she's gone from backdoor European club sounds to Country and I'm not about that. I want Gaga to go back to her Bad Romance sound. That's my favorite from her so far.
I started reading the book, Thirteen Reasons Why. I didn't realize it's a 'young adult' book. I figure it's going to wrap up with a nice cliche ending for all the tweens and teens that are reading it. So far, it's not bad. I don't always read popular books as I have specific taste in what I read.
If someone ain't murdered by page ten, I'm not interested! LOL.
I also had to change my ringtone back to Monty Python. Every time my mom would call me, the damn Eminem ringtone would literally make me jump out of my skin. It's just a jarring ringtone. But yes I'm still listening to it on repeat.
It's been hot as hell here. They're calling for 99F by Wednesday. Too bad I have to be out in it. My car inspection is overdue. Those who pay attention know that I do this every single year. I just can't get it done on time. I just can't.
All right. Here is the old and still awesome EP June 2014.
Indoor Sun |
Indoor Sun |
Isn't this a gorgeous color? So many colors to be had in one polish. They just don't make them like this anymore. LOL! I wouldn't know as I don't pay attention to new polish releases anymore since I can't wear it I don't buy it.
So sad.
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?