So unless you've never ever been here before, (shame on you!), you'll notice a HUGE change here. My gorgeous and talented Xomisse has worked her magic and come up with this amazing design. Please tool around, click on things and let me know what you think. What do you like, are there issues etc. She really did an amazing job and I would highly recommend using her for any blog design needs you have. She's located in Ireland, which I just think is the coolest thing!
Now today's post is totally not about nail polish. I'm sure most of you who are polish addicts like I am, also have other vices. Mine happens to be lip balms and hand creams. I discovered Sunny on Instagram and have since bought a butt load of her stuff. I currently have topped off at 37 products and counting.
I thought I'd show you my stash thus far.
Here is the entire stash in all its glory. Aren't they pretty?
Let's start with the two sets I've gotten.
The first one is the Christmas set, the bottom one is the latest Valentine's Day set.
These are her latest inventions called Bath Whips. I have not tried these yet, but they are supposed to be for the bath or shower in place of soap. You can see the scents I chose. Sunny has tons of different scents to choose from!
These are her Hand Butters, sort of like very thick cream. I love these big time. You can see I love the woodsy, man scents!
These are my favorite. This is the Miracle Balm and it's a thick solid vaseline like texture. Man do I love this stuff! I use this as hand lotion. Yes it's greasy, yes it takes a while to soak in, but man the results are amazing!
Lastly, here are the sugar scrubs. These are amazing and leave your hands so soft and smooth. The sets come with all these different products, with the addition of cuticle oil and her intensive therapy oil. The Intensive therapy oil has now become my favorite morning treatment while I drink my coffee. It's got Argan oil in it and it just soaks into my nails and cuticles and I am amazed at the results.
I hope you have enjoyed this little departure from polish. We shall be back next time with polish!
Please let me know your thoughts on my blog design. I'd love to know what you think!
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?