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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chinese Lettering

I am at a loss as to what to talk about today.  It is cold here this morning and my cats are stuck to me like glue trying to absorb some heat.  Yes I keep my house colder than most.  I grew up that way.  My parents kept the heat on a very low temperature then ran kerosene heaters to keep the cost of heating oil down.  I don't have heating oil, but I don't like a hot house.  My thermometer is set for 66F.  I have blankets if I get cold, or I put on a sweat shirt, but usually that's the temperature where I'm comfortable.

Of course, this causes issues at work, because people crank the heat up to 80F and I sweat and complain all day long!  I do have a fan at my desk, and my coworkers and I have compromised at 72F and they just bring a sweater to work.  I sit there in a Tshirt and sweat!  It's hilarious.  We laugh about it all the time.  How cold they are and how hot I am.  It's funny to me, I guess maybe you have to be there.

On another tangent, I love Chinese letters.  I wish I could read and write it, but am way too lazy.  I think about back in the day where Chinese Medicine Men would write with big paint brushes all those intricate letters.  I also have a thing for Egyptian Hieroglyphics.  I did buy a book on how to read that-but it's in a big pile with all my other books to read!

Why am I babbling about this?  You'll see. You know there's always a method to my madness.

Here is your silly bottle shot.

This is Jessica Crimson Tattoo and Rescue Beauty Lounge Poco a Poco.  In back is my new DRK-C plate!

I started with Crimson Tattoo and an accent of Poco and guess what?  Stupid me forgot to take pictures of that step until I was getting ready to stamp my accent nails! So here is Crimson Tattoo, which is a gorgeous deep burgundy cream stamped with Poco, which is a dusty mauve with hidden shimmer.  I used my new DRK-C plate.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite

Close Up
I was so mad at myself for skipping the first step!  Here is the next step with the accent nail stamped.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
Oh how I love Chinese letters!  I had to have this plate just so I could use this design!  I finished it off with my funky.  Here are the results.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite

Close Up

I wish I had sun shots to show this off but am still under a thick layer of hurricane clouds.  I am in love with this color combination.  I have never tried Jessica brand before and just had to have some of their new Spice Collection.  I am loving this!

Are you as fascinated as I am with Chinese lettering or Hieroglyphics?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?