Do you ever wonder where your life would be now had you made different choices and took different paths? My mani for today got me thinking about that.
I used to be a classically trained pianist. That's how I got the nickname Fingers in high school. All I did back then was play the piano. I wanted to grow up to be Liberace. Seriously. When I first went to college, I was a Music Theory major and took up the Harpsichord. This is the instrument that came before the piano. Oh how I loved playing the harpsichord. The sound and the beauty of that instrument just does something inside me that I can't explain. Someday, I want to own one but they are very expensive and you have to find a builder to make you one. I remain a member of the Historical Keyboard Society and go to the yearly conferences when I can.
Sometimes I go on the website,
The Harpsichord Clearing House in Massachusetts and just stare at the pretties. Look at this beauty.
And this one.
The first one is for sale at $8000 and the second one for a mere $10,000. If I ever win the lottery, you bet my first purchase will be one of these instruments.
So instead of being Liberace, I decided I would play in an orchestra or a small ensemble. I realized that I really wouldn't be able to make a living doing that. Plus I didn't have the money to buy one to practice on. So my life path took a different road. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like had I followed this path.
All right on to the mani that inspired all this. Here is your silly bottle shot.
This is Rescue Beauty Lounge Faraway and A England Lady of Shalott. This Shalott might have been a dupe for Phallic, but the shimmer is not as prominent as it is in Phallic.
I started with Faraway and an accent of LoS. Here is the first step.
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
I have shown you this Faraway before. This LoS was awful. Thick, gloopy and just horrible. I added some thinner and it really needs more added. It was my first bad bottle of A England.
I next stamped using the opposite color and Cheeky plate CH31. Here is that step.
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Yes I am a music snob and feel that people who make music should be able to READ the music. Not play by ear-which is fine as long as you still know how to read it. It makes me very unpopular this thought. But I am not the only one out there who thinks this too!
I finished this off with my funky as always. Here are the results.
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Sun |
Ott Lite |
Close Up |
Macro |
Now you know what triggered my path down memory lane. Music remains very important in my life. I still listen to my classical CDs and my Harpsichord CDs. It's part of what makes me me.
So do you think about the what ifs in your life?
Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?