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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Green Holo Skittlette

Well that title pretty much sums up what you're about to see here doesn't it?  I finally produced a Marta approved Skittlette and once again all holos but this time using all shades of green.

Before we get to it, I wanted to tell you about my hummingbirds.  Every year for the past twelve that I've lived in my house, I've put out feeders to attract the hummingbirds.  I just love them.  I make my own hummy juice.  I use two cups of sugar to seven and a half cups of water.  I add a few red food coloring drops and they just love it.  Right now at this point, I am filling the feeders almost every day. Now do the math. Hummingbirds are tiny tiny birds and their beak maybe suck up a pipette at a time.  This mean I must have a ton of hummies to go through almost eight cups of water a day!  Now I don't have an exact count because they are so fast, but the other day I did see six birds between the two feeders.  I'm betting I have more than that, but I can't be sure other than the six I counted.  They buzz me when I go outside and I talk to them.  I do believe they are used to me.  Apparently they spend my winter far south of here and migrate a bazillion miles to get there.  I just think they are fun to watch.

In my backyard, I have a regular wild bird feeder and a water bath for them. I've told you about this before and my fight with the squirrels.  But those birds are fun to watch as well.  Lately, I've had a red headed woodpecker out there.  Bluejays, Chickadees, Sparrows, Cardinals are also around.  My cats spend a lot of time in front of the windows watching all these birds.  I don't think they'd know what to do if they ever got outside with the birds around.  The funny thing is, the porch light at night attracts moths which the birds swoop down on and snatch off my screen. Sam especially loves this. He has his own chirping sounds that I think is him talking to the birds. It's the coolest sound ever.

Growing up, we always had singing Canaries. They were always named Barney. Why I never asked.  But always Barney.  I loved hearing them sing.  I would love to have a Canary, but with two cats, it's probably not a good idea!

All right enough babbling.  Here is your silly bottle shot.

Almost all Enchanteds again.  This is Llarowe Gizmo, Enchanted Polish Green Goblin, Green Peace on Earth and A Little Fishy Told Me.  This is showing as blue, but it's more minty IRL.

Again, since I'm doing a Skittlette, I started with three colors as the base.  Here is that step.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
Yes the damn sun was hiding for this part!  But you can still see rainbows in these! Stupid me forgot to take pictures of the steps doing the rest of this mani!  I'm so sorry peeps.

What I did was dot on the two middle fingers which must be the same to make a Skittlette.  I did my very first Chevrons on the pointer and pinky.  I finished with my funky.  Here are the very cool and again Marta approved Skittlette results.


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun


Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Close Up

I'm so glad the sun came out for this part!  So what do you think?  Are you amazed I actually did Chevrons?????  I told you I was stepping up my game!  Wait til you see my next mani. You're going to be shocked and amazed!

I so love holo polish don't you?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?