Sunday, August 30, 2015

Barielle Pretty Woman, Enchanted Polish To Die For

So I've been wearing my new eye makeup looks to work finished off with my false lashes.  Now the thing is, I wear glasses. Bifocals as it were since I'm freakin old.  The young things on You Tube don't have that problem when they wear the lashes that hit their eyebrows.  Yeah I tried that.

The first time I don't think I had them centered correctly so when I blinked hard, I could feel the band in the corner of my eye.  The first time I wore them to work, I was still sick and no one noticed. The second time I wore them though, I got all sorts of compliments.  How awesome your lashes look and do you find it hard to apply them and I really love your new eye makeup. That sort of thing.  Sort of pumped me up, you know?

The next day, I was in a hurry as I had to school a car that was trying to park in my parking spot at work.  Oh yeah.  I have had the same parking spot for years now.  I've been at this hospital now for eleven years so far and yeah, that's my parking spot and don't you dare park in it.

The last couple of days, someone has been in my spot.  So I made an extra effort to leave my house early to get to work early to claim my spot back.  Well wouldn't you know that it started pouring and people drive stupid in the rain.  So the extra time I had tried to get was now gone.  I got to the parking deck though and my spot was there.  Seems that car had someone else take their spot, so they took mine.  See how that works?

Yes we are freakin adults.  But think about it.  We all still park in the same spot, sit in the same spot in meetings etc and get all discombobulated when our spot is taken. Why do you think that is?

Part of it for me, is knowing where my car is. Otherwise, I can't find it! Maybe it's just comforting? Back in grade school you were forced to sit in the same spot, why is it that as adults we choose to do so?

Something to ponder people. And I digress. It happens.

So I was in a hurry and maybe didn't glue my lashes as well as I could have.  So the lashes were hitting my lens and just being irritating.  I then finished my day and went to the drugstore to get my medicine.  I looked in the mirror and the part of my lashes that should be attached near the corner of my eyes was halfway up my lids.   HAHAHAHA.  Damn I looked like a hot mess.  I tried to move them back into place, but yeah it was no use.  So I ripped them off and that was really the wrong thing to do as now my eyeliner was missing spots, like a bad dotted line halfway up my eye lid.

Yeah.  Ain't doing that again.  Learn from my mistakes people.

I need to figure out a way to glue them well enough so they can withstand the fluttering against my glasses when I blink.  I do have the demi ones, where the longest part is at the outer edge.  Those seem to work better, but aren't as in your face as the full on hard core long ones.

Hi my name is Fingers, I'm a 47 year old woman trying to be hip for the second time in my life.

Now, today we are looking at another of the Barielle Fall/Winter Mirror Mirror collection.

In case you forgot what they looked like! Today we are doing Pretty Woman.  The gorgeous blue in the middle here.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Once again, if you're careful, this would be a one coater.  I always do two but those looking for cheaper stamping polish? This set is it!

Next for fun, I added Enchanted Polish To Die For, which is a blue hologlitter fest.  Yeah imagine me with a hankering for glitter! I've never worn this polish so I figured today was the day.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
Now that I can use acetone again, it's not so painful removing glitter like this.  Oh and yes I again photoshopped out the chewed parts.  I'm trying really hard to stop again.  They are almost all healed. I've been oiling and doing the heavy lotion with gloves at night.  Seems to be helping.

Eight days til I'm on vacation!  WOOHOO!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Barielle Feathered Slippers, Enchanted Polish Instant Galaxy

I am finally feeling better from being sick.  I was literally down for eight days straight.  Fever etc and I lost my voice.  I went to work anyway as I need the money and I didn't want to use up my vacation time since in about ten days, it begins!  I was so sick it sucked bad.  Luckily I haven't been sick in quite a while.  I slept so much those eight days it's insane.

So I promised you a new and exciting Stupid story in a few comments people left me on previous posts.  I was running one of my doctor conferences and Stupid was there.  I'm ignoring her as best I can when I noticed something.

You see this conference is first thing in the morning and people have their coffee, etc.  Well Stupid had a water bottle in front of her.  And not just a plain old water bottle mind you.  Stupid had a water bottle with a BEER KOOZIE on it.  In big ole letters, it screamed Michelob. I have attached a link for my international peeps or people who just don't know what a koozie is.

Yeah, let's just pause here for a moment so you can picture this............

WTF??? Does she really not get how unprofessional that is? At your desk in your office, maybe.  But in a conference room full of doctors talking about cancer? Not so much.  Inside my immediate thoughts were of this blog and telling you guys this latest Stupid story.

Oh and the other thing that sort of involves her? Remember how they decided to take away our job title and make them do what I do? Yeah, that hasn't happened.  But it basically got Stupid to quit-which I think is what they wanted.  So I'm told the other day, that they are thinking of having this new hire come to our office to basically replace Stupid's position as the other nurse claims she is drowning in work.

HUH?? First you say we are no longer the title we were, but you're going to put someone in that title role? Makes no sense to me at all.  But I have stayed out of the politics mostly because they have piled so much extra work on me that I can't even take a break.  I'm dead serious.

Now before we see today's polish, I have to tell you that I have reverted back to my bad habit of chewing the skin and cuticles around my nails since they are back to nubs.  It's ugly and scabby etc.  I have photoshopped these out now that I learned how to! In the past, you would have had to see it.  I know part of the issue is that I am still grieving the loss of my dad.  I have no joy in nail polish or the usual things I used to.  I hope one day to get that joy back.  But right now, it's gone.

The good news is it's the FALL nail polish color time! You all know how I love the Fall colors.  You also know that after my holo love comes a good cream love.  Barielle has come out with their Fall/Winter collection for 2015 called Mirror, Mirror and it's all creams! WOOHOO!

Here is a picture of them all together.

This is Silk Stockings, Ribbon and Lace, Pretty Woman, Feathered Slippers and Blushing Beauty.

I started with the gorgeous grey.  Now if you're careful, this could seriously be a one coater.  Which also means you can use it for stamping.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
I do love a good grey polish!  Now for fun, I added a layer of Enchanted Polish Instant Galaxy, which is Djinn with holo microglitter added to it.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
How awesome is this??? I couldn't capture all the glitters and rainbows in this, but it is there and it is amazing! I love this grey polish and this whole set really.  I can't wait to show you the rest of them!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Purple Eye Look

Today we shall be doing a purple eye look. I have since figured out, that I can only do one eye look at a time.  I prefer my left eye for tutorials as I am right handed and it just comes out better.  Trying to do two looks on the left eye just caused my poor eye to react with tearing and the corner of my eye lid just wouldn't hold onto the color.  So there aren't as many closed lid shots.

So I either do one look a day or one look in each eye.  For the time it takes to set up all the props I showed you last post and the time it takes to weed through 100 pictures-no joke, I'm better off doing two and being done for the day.

When this post actually posts, it will be two weeks until I go on vacation.  I cannot wait! I got a brand new fishing pole I'm dying to try out and a new fish weigh scale so I can't now say with precision just how big a fish I have caught.

I was telling my mom the other day how I hadn't slept well the night before as I was having all sorts of weird dreams.  The one I do remember was of us being at our camp in Canada and I was fishing on the dock when I caught a huge pike.  Now I'm talking in my dream the fish was a big as I am-and I'm 5'4".  It was not a pike in the conventional sense, but what I called it in my dream.  To me, it was more prehistoric.

Anywho, I started screaming for my mom and screaming and screaming.  She and my deceased Gramma came out of the camp and my mom came down to the dock and sort of hugged this huge fish as she got it off the hook and released it back in the water.

Now in reality, we would have kept that fish, filleted it and eaten it as we do now.  And no way would my mom ever hug a huge fish like that! HAHAH.

They always say dreams mean something.  I still have no clue what that one could possibly mean.

Here is the eye look we are going for today.

Now I will admit I did do one piece of photoshopping to this.  I had makeup eye boogers in the corner of my eye from the tearing I told you about.  I never thought to look.  Macro is a demon!

Here is the starting point.

Once again I did the undereye concealer, highlight, lid prime like always.  I started with a light brown in my crease.

I'm still working on my technique and blending.  Watching a ton of YouTube videos to teach myself.
Next I added a bit darker brown to my crease. Oh and I did my brows again with Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip Brow in Auburn.  I tell you guys, it's worth the price.  This stuff is amazing.

Now I added purple to my lid.

Next I added black liner to the top lid and purple liner to the waterline.

I also smudged purple shadow underneath.  It's not as clean a job as I would have liked but my eye was not cooperating at all.  It was a teary mess.

Next I added my false lashes oh and Becca Champagne Pop Highlighter to my brow bone.

Isn't this pretty?? I think I put the lashes on wrong here-they should be standing up more.  My stupid lashes are long, but won't hold a curl any more.  It's annoying!  HAHAH!

I hope you have liked this one! Any suggestions for future posts out there?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blue Eye Look

Today is the first eye look I've ever properly done with all the steps and a tutorial for you.  It took me an hour and a half! Not something I'm going to ever wear to work and not something I'd even have the time to do before work! This look also includes my very first false eye lashes.  I found them surprisingly easy to put on.  I tested them out with my glasses and the lashes got stuck in the lens.  As in when I opened and closed my eyes, you could feel the tug on the lashes.

I did get shorter ones perhaps those will work with my glasses? Stupid me ordered them on Amazon and when I saw 6  as the quantity, I thought that meant 3 pair.  Nope. I got 6 pair.  I have enough lashes for a looooooong time.  I'll do a tutorial on how to care for your falsies if you guys would like me to.  Just let me know.

Now I had mentioned there were bad things that have happened in a very short time period.  The last one being my air conditioner switch broke on a Saturday night.  Now I am a delicate flower and cannot possibly go a day without my AC.  I called the emergency line and it costs $189 just for them to come to your house and say hi.


Once here, dude told me the switch had broken and he would recommend I replace the entire water flush/switch system for only $350-on top of said $189 as he did say hi.  I said oh hell no.  I ain't got that kind of money.  Do the cheapest fix you can.  That being replacing the switch for $129.

That was one expensive fifteen minute Saturday night date.  Yeah.  So far there have been no other bad things to speak of but the week is young.

Now for my eye tutorial!  Just like when I showed you my face, I'm not going to have my naked eye be the first picture.  So here is the look we are going to create.

This is without any filters or fancy photoshopping.  Just me and my eyeball.

Here is the starting point.

First thing I did was prime my lid, do concealer under my eye and a bit of highlighting as I showed you from my face post.  I had planned on this look being a sunset color thing, so I started with some yellow in my crease.

I then changed my mind and decided to go brown and blue. You can see I did fill in my brows with Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip Brow in Auburn.  Man this stuff is amazing.  I barely dipped my brush in the pot and did my whole brow with it.

Now you can see I added brown to my lid and another brown over the yellow in my crease.

I have now added a blue eye shadow in my crease.

I wanted to point something out.  This is with my eye open.  You can't see the blue very much at all. What I did was with my eye open, I placed more blue on my brow bone so I could see it better.  I have a heavy brow bone skin thing going on.

Here I have darkened the blue crease and added a bit of black to the corner of the lid.

I also smudged some of the brown I used on the lid under my eye.

I added black liner to my top lid and blue liner to my waterline underneath.  I attempted my first wing, but was a huge fail.

With my eye open.  This is my new thing-adding a color to my waterline. Have been doing that the past two weeks at work and I love it!  Just that pop of color-although this one I wouldn't wear to work-meaning the eye shadow-I have worn all sorts of liner color to work.

Next I added my false lashes and some TheBalm Mary Lou-Manizer highlight to my brow bone.

And there you have it! It wouldn't have taken me as long as this did, but for the fact that I had to stop for each step and take a billion pictures.  Want to see my jerry rigged set up????

HEHEHE.  This is my green room (the walls are painted green) where I do my makeup.  Stepladder for taking the cover off the light on the ceiling, stool where I usually sit becomes a prop for the corner lamp I usually use to put on my makeup-so the corner was dark for this post! The kitchen chair became my new stool-not comfortable at all for this and the tripod for my camera.  I was going to take a picture of all the makeup brushes and makeup strewn about but I forgot!  Oh and Checkers to keep me company.

So yeah that's a 250 watt bulb right in my eye as I sat right in front of the tripod, used flash as well and it's still kind of dark.  Most people use what's called the Diva ring which is about $200 on Amazon.  Anyone want to sponsor me for the Diva ring?????  Let me know!

I hope you have enjoyed this.  I had fun doing it.  Next post will be a purple look. If you have any suggestions or things you want me to do for you, let me know.  Once I master this, I hope to then do videos on YouTube!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Friday, August 21, 2015

Enchanted Polish Entwined, July 2015

Today I have two more EPs for you.  And the super nubs.  Be prepared people.  It's not pretty.

I told you last post that I had several bad news stories.  Today's story is the fact that I am sick with a summer cold and fever.  Damn it's been a long time since I've been sick and it's not fun!

I had just finished taking all the pictures for the two eye looks coming up next two posts and was cleaning up the mess I made when all of a sudden my throat started hurting like a beeyotch.  I realized that's why I'd felt overtired the past few days.  I knew I was going down as it were.  My temp was 101 last night and this morning it's 100.5F and I ache all over.  

But I forge on for you my readers.  I knew if I didn't get these typed, you'd have nothing to read.  We can't have that right????  All I know is I feel like crap, should be in bed as I got no sleep last night and not sure I can work tomorrow.  I can't work if I still have a fever.

I actually have just enough saved paid time off for my fishing trip in 3 weeks.  I can't miss a day now!!!

Had the pleasure (NOT) of Stupid coming to visit the other day.  No she was not visiting me.  What kills me is the woman who's back she stabbed when she left still coddles her.  It's messed up for sure. Stupid asked me about conference that day and I was like don't you check your email?

It seems the hospital has moved everyone over to a new email system, but it's still in process and not all have made the transfer.  So I'd been writing to the wrong Stupid address.  So I write her a test email right?

Wait for it people-this is good.

I email her current email address just making sure I have it right so I can add her to my group lists. What does Stupid do? She replies to said email and write out what her new email address is.

A moment of silence for you out there to catch on............

Get it?????? I had just emailed her correct address.  She is so stupid that she didn't get that and wrote me the email address I had just written to.

I just had to shake my head.

It makes for an unboring work day.

All right.  Here are two EPs I've worn recently.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
 This is July 2015.  A gorgeous sky blue holo that I am in love with.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
This is Entwined.  To me, it's 2AM with holo and microglitter holos.  A blue purple duochrome with a loose linear and scattered holo all in one.  I could not capture all it's awesomeness!

I hope you have enjoyed this.  I am off to bed to sleep off this fever.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

EP August 2015, French Classic

So not one person bought anything from my huge makeup blog sale.  I was so hoping to get them to a new loving home and was sure you guys would scoop them up.  You do know I don't have cooties right?????

Now I have no idea what I will do with all that stuff I don't use.

Several bad things have happened.  I shall spread the bad over a few posts.  For today, my betta #2 died.  For some reason, I just cannot keep a betta alive for more than a few months.  I have to believe it's my water.  Even with using the water conditioner, it doesn't make for pure water.  I am unable to keep guppies in my 30 gallon tank for that very reason.

Yesterday I dismantled the 3 gallon tank and packed it back up in it's box and I will store it under my house for another day.

I have yet to clean my big tank.  It's WAY over due but I'm just not in the mood right now.

OH guess what I just figured out???? How to photoshop out things you don't want in pictures. HAHA! Wish I had taken the time way sooner, than I could have taken out all the dings and ripped cuticles from my old posts.

It's unbelievably easy and I'm kicking myself that I have waited this long to figure it out.  Why now you ask? I have two eye looks coming up for you and I didn't realize that I had eye goo in the corner of my eye from all the makeup.  It's a wonder what you see in macro.  I don't want to filter and saturate and mess with my photos to death.  I get that most of the eye pics on Instagram are heavily edited.  I'm more a reality kind of girl.

Take it or leave it.  My eyes look damn good for my age!

Those are coming up soon!

Here are two manis I have worn lately.  These are without my gels.  Remember I removed them.  The super nubs are back and I hope I can get them to grow out not to be so short.

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
This is Essie Nude Beach and Chaos and Crocodiles My Favorite Color Is Unicorn and OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls.  This was before the big rip off of all my nails.  Sure is pretty though eh????

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun
This is Enchanted Polish August 2015.  Gorgeous blurple and I love it!

Stay tuned for more!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Updated Blog Sale

This post has what little makeup I have left for sale, plus I will be adding some nail polish to this post in the next week or two.  I'll definitely let you know!

Let's do this!

Maybelline Charcoal Smokes $2, Sunlit Bronze $2, Natural Smokes $2, Almay Trio for Blues $2, Loreal Neutrals $2, Cover Girl Sheerly Nudes $2, No Name other one $2, Neutrogena Neutrals $2 and Sonia Kashuk Perfectly Neutral $2.

Sephora Smoky Eyes $8, Natural Eyes $8

Mally Tribeca Taupe smoky eye kit $8, Life is Lighter shimmer shape and glow $8, Brownstone $8, In the Pink Lighter $8.

Estee Lauder (on left) Neutral $5, Ivory/sable $5, Prescriptives eyeshadows (no name)$8, Fresh Satin Luster $8, Clinique (?? on bottom middle) Neutrals $5 each, Clinique greens $3

These are 50 Bare Minerals eyeshadows.  I will NOT sell one at at time.  They are neutrals, browns, golds, pinks, peaches.  I'll sell them in lots of 10 for $5 a piece.  They retail for $14 each.  Make me an offer for all 50-that's reasonable and I'll think about it!!!

These are all I have.  Please buy these as I need the room!  HAHAH!  Make me an offer, haggle etc. Message me and let's get these to your home for new love!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Zoeva Brush Set

Remember a couple of posts ago where I said I was going to sell back the MAC brush sets I got on Ebay? Yeah. The day before the auction was to end, I got an email from Ebay saying they took my listings down as I was trying to sell counterfeit stuff.


The second time I ever tried to sell something and I get dinged for it being counterfeit? And I just bought it from Ebay three days prior?

Something fishy here people.

I called Ebay and was like WTF? They were jerks to me.  I was treated like I was the one knowingly selling fake crap and I should be shunned and if I dare to relist these two items, I will be barred from Ebay.  Gee that would be awful now wouldn't it?  (Not really).

I scared the first guy as I was a yelling beeyotch trying to explain that if you're telling me I'm selling something fake, then that means I bought it as fake to begin with.  Dude wasn't hearing me. He finally transferred me to someone else snarkingly saying "have a nice day ma'am".

Anyone else out there HATE being called ma'am?????

I digress.

The next person sort of understood what I was trying to explain to them.  I was trying to tell them that the two accounts I bought from sell the same exact set over and over and I see the same set all over Ebay.  Why are you coming down on me and not those people?  I'm still having a hard time believing they are fake as there are so many of the same sets on different Ebay accounts out there for sale as I write this.

I get transferred to a third person.  I've now been on the phone with them for an hour.  I say either let me sell my two things and leave me alone, or I want my money back as I bought fake crap from your website.  I finally got someone in the Resolutions department who isn't an idiot and she gets what I'm saying.  But I still don't think they are going after those accounts as an aside.

She says I need to do the return thing and if those people don't reply, they will get my money back. However, the more I asked about the time frame, the less she could tell me.  Like these people are selling fake crap-why would they cop to it and pay me back?  Simple logic people.  I do what she says as I have no problem returning said items, but I don't believe for a minute I will be contacted.

The next day I call PayPal and start a case with them.  They have set time frames.  I get my money back in ten days whether or not those people reply.  That's all I'm asking.  For the record, one dude has replied and given me a funny address to return the item to. Certainly NOT the address it was "sent" from.

How can you tell when a MAC brush set is fake? I'm still unconvinced.  All I know is it was a sh*tty experience and I am loathe now to even buy anything else from there.

Now onto better things.  I got my Zoeva set the other day from Germany and I am thrilled.  I wanted to show you the set and tell you what each brush is for.  It is one of those brands, that is just now getting recognition so the VERY NEXT DAY after I ordered it, it went up 30 Euro.  No joke.  That's about $34 USD.  So yeah.

It's a set of 25 brushes, so it was an investment definitely, but I sold off some stuff to pay for it.  I also figured out if you paid in Euro and not USD you saved a bunch of money as well.  Not sure if that is still true, but it was when I bought it.

Here is the case it comes in.  This case has three layers and can hold a ton of makeup as well as these brushes.

It's not leather, but it's not that cheap nasty plasticy material you get sometimes.  It's actually quite nice.  One of the zipper pulls was broken when I got it.  Yes it shouldn't arrive that way, but coming from Germany what the hell was I going to do? I just took a paperclip, bent it into a new jump ring and reattached the zipper pull.  Voila.

First portion I want to show you are the synthetic face brushes.

Synthetic brushes are used for liquids and creams as they won't absorb those things.  These are for foundations, cream blushes that sort of thing.

From top to bottom:
Buffer-this can be used for foundation
Defined Buffer-am assuming for corners of the face
Petit Stippling-foundation
Face Shape-countouring
Concealer Buffer-concealer

These are the face natural hair brushes.  These are for powders.

From top to bottom:
Luxe Face Definer-finish powder
Luxe Face Paint-contouring the cheeks (love this)
Luxe Highlight-for highlighting  (love this)
Luxe Sheer Cheek-for blushing
Luxe All Over Shader-more contouring

Now we get into eye stuff.  These are the natural hair ones.

From top to bottom:
Luxe Pencil-for undereye shadow
Luxe Soft Crease-crease of the eye shadow
Luxe Crease-crease of the eye shadow
Luxe Petit Crease-again for the crease
Luxe Soft Definer-corners of the top lid
Luxe Smoky Shader-for smoking out color

These are the coolest ones I think.  These are a mixture of bristles.

From top to bottom:
Petit Eye blender-blending shadow
Smudger-for smudging
Cream Shader-for cream eyeshadow
Brow Line (love this)
Detail Shader-for detail work
Wing liner-duh
Detail liner-this one is so tiny-like a nail polish art brush tiny.

So there you have it.  My new complete set of Zoeva brushes.  All I will need for the cool eye looks I have planned.  I bought Dr Bronner's Castile Lavendar soap from Target as the YouTubers say it works great cleaning these brushes without damage.  I hope you have enjoyed this!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?