Wednesday, July 31, 2013

South Park

I love South Park.  I think it's one of the best, funniest shows out there.  It takes topics that are happening right now and totally pokes fun at it.  It's freakin hilarious.

I have been wanting to do South Park nails for a long time.  I had the FUN2 plate that only had one character on it, but recently FUN11 came out with the other 3 main characters plus Butters, who is my personal favorite.  I was all sorts of excited. Imagine my chagrin, when the plates really didn't work that well and kind of ruined the whole moment for me.

You all know that I am the self professed stamping queen and can stamp with any normal polish.  Well not with this plate.  I really need to email Llarowe and let them know.  Maybe I'll do that after I write this.  I had such a hard time using this plate.  I had to redo several nails and you know how I loathe to do that.

I was also trying out the new Llarowe holos that just came out.  I was all sorts of excited and while they are ok, the brush is wonky and the holo is more scattered than linear and I'm more a linear freak.

Gee, I'm all sorts of bad news today aren't I?

Let's get started shall we?  Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Dance Legend Robots vs Humans and Llarowe Burnt Sugar.  I told you I'd be wearing the Dance again very soon!

I started with Sugar, which is much darker than the pictures depict on the website.  I did an accent of Dance. Here are the starting shots.

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite
The sun decided to be a beeyotch for this post as well.  As you can see, this is a much darker brown and not linear like the Dance.  I can't say enough how awful the brush is on these Llarowe holos.  Why bother making a pretty polish if you're gonna do a wonky crappy brush?

I next tried to stamp with the opposite color, which didn't work at all.  So I got out my Sally Hansen Whirlwind White and still these designs have parts missing and not at all the crisp clean lines that they should have.  Here is that step.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
I am not proud of this at all, but I just couldn't get this FUN11 plate to stamp well. FUN2 works just fine.

I ended this with my funky.  Here are the results.

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Close Up

The last picture is my thumb showing the last character in case you were missing him! This is on the FUN2 plate.

This last picture also shows you that the Burnt Sugar does have pretty holo sparkles and I do love the brown of this, just not total love you know?

Do you watch South Park?

Until next time people. Any thoughts out there?

Monday, July 29, 2013

Shades of Grey

Now before you get all excited and think I'm going to talk about S&M and the book 50 Shades of Gray, I'm not.

I love black and white things.  Notice my blog background lately?  I just think it is such a sleek thing.  I just got in my fifth black and white glitter.  Yes people, I now have five different black and white glitters.  In a few days, I will be doing a dupe day post that compares these five just because I think it would be fun.  So stay tuned for that.

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine lately, and we were talking about black and white in the realm of life.  Do you see life as black and white?  Right and wrong?  I personally see life in shades of grey.  I don't think there is a line that if you are on one side you're right, the other you're wrong.  I think each decision is based on the scenario at the time.  For example, I speed all the time.  It's what I do. Now to policemen, that is a black and white issue, or is it?  I pass by many cops and I am going about 8mph over the speed limit.  I don't get stopped.  Why not? Isn't the law black and white?  Why is it that they don't pull me over?  In their mind, I am not speeding enough to bother pulling over.  They want the guys going 10+mph over the limit.  So in reality they are looking at each car and deciding case by case whether to pull you over for speeding.

That's shades of grey for sure.  My friend asked me, would I rather be right or happy?  This is another grey issue for me.  It totally depends on the situation.  At work, I'd rather be right.  I'm there taking care of people's lives and the wrong decision can kill someone.  In a relationship, it's gets more murky doesn't it?

Would you rather be right or happy?  Do you live your life in black and white or shades of grey?

To go along with this topic, I have an appropriate mani for you.  Here is the silly bottle shot.

Damn look at all those bottles eh?  In the back are Lilypad Lacquer In the Milkyway and KB Shimmer Grayscale.  Then in front is Llarowe White Wedding, Glitter Gal Black 3D and Lime Crime Milky Ways. Just realized two polish have the same name!

I started with a layer of Lime Crime, then a layer of White Wedding and finally a layer of Lilypad.  The Lilypad was way too sheer and there was no way I was going to glob on 5 coats to get coverage.  I was going for a sparkling snow effect.  Here are the starting shots.


Indoor Sun


Indoor Sun
You can't really see the sparkle. Unfortunately, this white holo isn't doing it for me!  I next added a layer of Grayscale.  This is a black and white glitter with pieces of grey scattered throughout.  I will get into the finer details when I do the dupe day amongst the five I have.  Here is that step.


Indoor Sun


Indoor Sun
This just might be my all time favorite black and white!  Stay tuned to find out how it compares to the others!
Am so loving this and this glitter!  Finally, I added my funky with Black 3D.  Here are the results.


Ott Lite

Indoor Sun


Indoor Sun

Close Up

I am in love with this mani!  I hated to take this off!  Plus it was a pain to get this glitter off-but oh so worth it don't you think?

Tell me about your life-do you live it black and white or shades of grey?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Attention Skin Care Junkies!

Now for something completely different.

I am always on the look out for great skin care.  Being in my 40s, I have started to notice the lines getting deeper and more apparent.  I have tried many things, spent a lot of money, but now I think I have finally found what I have been looking for.

We are now aware of the fact that jojoba oil is the closest to the natural sebum our bodies create.  This fact being populated by Ana at Nail Care HQ and her Pure Nail Oil.  Yes I have jumped on her band wagon, but have also made my own jojoba nail oil using different oils than she uses.  Saves money to make your own.

Anywho, I was so excited to find this website that mixes small batches of all natural oils with jojoba as the main or prominent ingredient in most of the things she makes.  She is a trained Herbalist and has done all the research for you. She also grows most of the ingredients and makes them all herself.  I am so hooked that I am writing a post about it!  I was not asked to do a review, I bought these products all myself and I have to say, I am in love.

My face has never felt softer.  I haven't been using it long enough to say about the wrinkles and things, but I am a convert and hope she never stops making this stuff! I have begged her not to!

What am I talking about?  It's called Roots Rose Radish.  I saw an article in a magazine and now knowing about jojoba oil, I knew these had to be good products.

Here are all the products I have so far.

Don't they look pretty?  They are shipped in those canvas bags that have the ingredients listed on them. You can get to the shop here.  Yes there will be tons of links for today's post.  I normally don't bother since we all are big girls and can Google right? I'm told they will ship international as well.

I will talk about these in the order I have been using them, starting with two different cleansers.

The first being a Honey Pecan Rose Face Cleanser.

You can see most of the ingredient list on the canvas.  This is a mild scrub and can be used daily.  The honey and the jojoba keep your skin from getting the tight feeling after washing.  I'm not normally a fan of honey-just don't like the smell, but this is not honey in your face, you know?  I do like this a lot.

The other cleanser I got is the Citrus Face Oil Cleanser.

This is supposed to help with acne and I have that and I hate it!  Just got this one, so I can't speak to the acne part yet.  The thought behind this is that oil dissolves oil.  The first time I tried the scrub above, I made the mistake of trying to remove my eye makeup with it.  Bad news, got the scrub particles in my eyes.  Not my proudest moment.  Yesterday what I did was, wet my face, I rubbed this oil all over my face, then added the scrub to my cheeks and chin.  They weren't sold to be used together, I was just experimenting.

I only used about 4 drops of this oil and a pinch of the scrub.  This stuff will last a while.

Next is the serum, which is the Rose Face Oil.  This is the most expensive and decadent of the products.

This has 12 oils that they have derived from stuff they grow.  I used three drops as my serum, only at night though.  For me, I don't want to use this during the day. Lovely stuff this is.

Finally, there is the Blue Chamomile Face Cream.

When I first got this, it was during the serious heat wave we were having.  The two products I received were all watery and melted.  I kind of freaked a little.  But because these are all natural, that will happen.  I put them in the fridge and all was fine.  I did have to get used to the fact that this lotion is the consistency of maple syrup.  It does not get solid.  It took me a few days to get used to this.  Now I am totally in love. This leaves my skin so soft, I can't stop touching it, which is a bad thing because that's how you get acne!

You can see the second ingredient is jojoba.  There are more explanations on the website as to what each ingredient will do for you.  I recommend you read those things, it's really interesting.

So those are the face products.  Next is the body butter  It's called the Calendula Geranium Body Butter.

This does not have jojoba in it and I wonder why?  I'll have to ask them. This has the consistency of vaseline. This was one that came melted.  It firmed up nicely in the fridge and now I have it on my night stand.  You only need a pencil eraser size for your hands. It does take a while to soak in, but I love it.

Next is the Rose Lip Balm.

I have to admit, this is not my favorite lip balm.  I am also a lip balm junkie.  This is too oily for me. But I prefer chapstick so what do I know???

Lastly, we have the Rose Frankincense Patchouli Solid Perfume.

This comes in a gorgeous shell that has had a pretty clasp attached to it.  Go back to the first picture and you'll see what it looks like closed.  I love Patchouli and this fragrance is just amazing.

So there you have it.  I have gone from La Mer and its WAY too expensive but very nice creams to this all natural, jojoba based organic skin care line.

Next thing you know, I'll be growing my own clothes!  HAHA.

All jokes aside, these products make me very happy and I love them so much that I wanted to share them with you.  I do believe this is the first non nail polish post I have ever done.  I hope you liked it.  No I won't be doing them all the time, but I do know there are skin care junkies like me out there that will love these products.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Joe Flakie

I spent the morning cleaning my house.  You know how you get those little piles and things that you need to find a place for, but for the moment, is just a pile?  Yeah I got rid of my piles, vacuumed, dusted, decontaminated my bathroom, I went to town.  Had my headphones on, singing along, it is a job that had to be done and now I no longer have kitty hair tumbleweeds all over my floors.

I've got plans to clean my car windows today.  You know how they get that film on the inside and when the sun hits it just right you can't see a damn thing?  Well, I'm seriously at that point and it makes me mad every morning on my way to work, but never had the inclination to actually do anything about it until now.  Supposedly, the heat wave has stopped for now.  Instead of 100F, it's supposed to be 88F.  Still hot, but not crazy.  I also have a serious pile of magazines to read.  I subscribe to a lot of them and I'm behind in that reading as well.

Yesterday I watched American Psycho.  Not sure about the ending, I'm a little confused about the whole thing but you do get to see Christian Bale butt.  So if you're a fan, I suggest you watch this movie.  Plus the soundtrack is really awesome in it.  I have gone through the list of horror movies I have missed since 2010 and now have a project to catch up on.  I can hardly call myself a horror buff and be this far behind on the newer stuff.

Seems my life is full of little piles of things that need to be done.  Plus I'm in the midst of growing my hair back out.  It's what I do.  I grow it out, I cut it all off.  It's just hair, I like to change it up quite often.  But at the moment, it's in that painful, can't do anything with it stage and I hate it.  Makes me just want to cut it all off right now, but I have a picture on my fridge of where I want to go for motivation.

I know it's been awhile, but I have random kitty shots for you today.  My babies were all curled up and looking so cute, I had to share with you.

Aren't they so cute?  This is Sam staring at you and Checkers sleeping.  Just love my babies!  But man are they shedding big time right now.  Not my favorite time in kitty land.

All right.  Here's the silly bottle shot for today.

This is Joe Fresh Mocha, Finger Paints Flecked and Bettina Jingle Bells.  Remember the set of these flakies? Caused such a fury and now is just a distant memory in the blog land?  Kind of makes you go hmmmmmm. Doesn't it?

I started with Mocha and an accent of Bells.  The sun was hiding for this part.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
Just gorgeous aren't they?  You know I love me some browns!  I next added two layers of Flecked, which has green and blue flakes in it.  Here is that step.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
I finished this off with my funky and then the sun came out!  Here are the results.

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Indoor Sun

Ott Lite

Indoor Sun

Close Up

Kind of unexpected right?  Brown with green and blue flakies?  I happen to love this look.  I had forgotten how fun flakies are.

Just got in a bunch of new holos, can't wait to show them to you.  If only the sun would cooperate!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?