Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Holo Killer Giveaway

If you haven't been living under a rock lately, you would have seen my devastating rainbow disaster from the other day. Yes this Seche Collage Overlay kills holos and is too glitter happy for me.  I thought instead of having it languish on my shelf, that I'd give it away to a loving home.

This is a simple giveaway, you must be a follower that's it.  Open to anyone with an address.  Here is what's up for grabs.

This is open until 2/12/13 and I will announce the winner on Valentine's Day 2/14/13.

Good luck to you!  Hopefully Rafflecopter will work for me!  Did you know they want to start charging you?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, January 28, 2013

Creeping Vine

I have such a huge dilemma facing me.  I know you guys have faced this very same thing.  I have 6 brand new polish that I just got and I cannot decide which ones to wear first!  They are all so pretty!  How do you decide what to wear?

My process is to think about what colors I've posted the past two times and rule those out.  Then I stare at all my polish and see what inspiration hits me.  I don't plan an entire mani like I know some out there do.  Mine is more based on what mood I'm in and if I have any new colors to try.  I've actually ordered some glequins since I've seen so many cool designs using those that I thought I could give that a whirl.  I don't have them yet, so be patient people.

A quick update on the dating stories.  Busy guy is still too busy.  Seems I'm always reaching out first and I'm done with chasing a dude that just can't be bothered.  I did meet a guy last weekend for coffee who did not look a thing like his picture.  He was nice enough, but the chemistry just wasn't there.  I did just reach out to a very cute guy and to my utter shock, he wants to talk to me!  Now I know I am no supermodel by any stretch and to have a guy this handsome want to talk to me is a little daunting.  Have you ever felt that way?  Like you want to be on your best behavior just so you can keep looking at him?  HEHE.    I know nothing about him, just messaged back and forth a few times yesterday.  We shall see what happens.  Hopefully talking about him on here doesn't jinx it.

Now on to the silly bottle shot.

This is Chick Polish in Gavie Green, Illamasqua Viridian and Lilacquer Selkie.  My camera is freaking out over Gavie and showing it way too light a green.  It's a much more darker teal.

I started with Gavie and an accent of Viridian.  I thought the shimmer in Viridian matched Gavie pretty well.  Here are the starting shots.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
Don't these look great together?  Next I stamped using the opposite color and Gals plate GA29.  Here is that step.


Ott Lite
Oh so pretty!  I wish you could see Gavie in it's correct color!  I next added a layer of Selkie and my funky.  Here are the results.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite

Close Up

As you can see, Selkie obliterated the design on the accent nail, but you know how much I love that shimmerfest!

How do you decide what polish to use next?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sugar Plum Holo Dance

I'm sitting here staring at my computer, my cat in my lap purring up a storm.  My other cat is laying next to the heat register trying to stay warm because it's 10 degrees Fahrenheit here and I keep my house chilly at 66F.  So my poor cats are shivering.

Now don't send me hate mail, it's not as bad as I make it out to be.  I did find it a little funny when I found Sam laying next to the heat source.  My big plans for today are lying on the couch piled high with blankets with my cats.  Not feeling all that great at the moment.

Since I don't have anything to talk about today, let's get right to it.  Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Enchanted Polish Dance of the Sugar Plum and Barry M Plum.  Since I ruined my last holo post, I had to redeem myself!

I started with Sugar Plum and an accent of Plum.  I just now realized they both have plum in their name.  Here are the starting shots.


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
Look at all those rainbows!  How can you not love this?  My camera is even showing this as purple-outstanding!  Barry M, if you're reading-I love these gelly polish!  I just had no inspiration for stamping as I flipped through my 400 plates.  I ended up using Bundle Monster plate BM306. One I have used before.  I used the opposite color as usual.  Here is that step.


Ott Lite

I added the shade shot so you can see the stamped design.  I love this one.  I finished this off with my funky and voila.


Ott Lite



Ott Lite

Close Up

I think this came out so pretty.  I just love purple and these sure do play well together! Stay tuned for a massive haul of Bettina polish!  Should be here in 2-3 weeks!  I'm talking 20+ bottles of new Bettina.  I am all sorts of excited!

I'm off to my couch now.

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Death of a Rainbow

Wow what an ominous and scary title eh?  What would the world be like if all the rainbows died?  I don't want to know a world like that let me tell you!

The sun finally came out of hiding after over a week of rain and a fleeting snow flurry. The good news is that all that rain is filling up the lake I live on that has been very low. I'm sure the fish are happy to have more room to swim around in.  Is that a weird thought for me to have?  So random, yet that's how my mind works.

My beef for today has to do with my job and cancer.  What really makes me mad is when doctors tell patients how much time they have left to live.  Personally, the doctor I work with refuses to do this.  Instead, he gives statistics.  For example, there's a 20% chance you'll make it through 6 months.  Things like that.  But to look a patient in the eye and say crudely, you have 2 weeks is just wrong in my eyes.  I much prefer my doctor's way of looking at things. Hope and a positive attitude is sometimes all that keeps these cancer patients going and when you tell them something like that, it robs them of all hope.

I find that to be very wrong and detrimental to people.  My job when I see this is to call up these people and tell them that no one knows how long a person has.  No one.  I tell the patient and the family members to try and remember that and not listen to that from other doctors.  I feel it's my job to keep their hope alive.  I treat them like I'd want my family to be treated-like people, not cancer patients.  No of course this is not in my job description, it's my own little crusade that I've adopted for myself and my patients. I get to know them and I actually have some that call me to see how I'm doing!

Not really sure why I got on my little soapbox there, but this happens way too often at my job and I just felt the need to talk about it.  It's like killing the rainbow inside of people.

There is more to my post title than this story.  Isn't there always?  Don't I always mess with you and my titles?  Here is the silly bottle shot.

This is Enchanted Polish Cranberry Cosmos and Midnight, and Seche Collage Overlay.

Since the sun had finally reappeared, of course it was holo time!  I started with Cranberry and an accent of Midnight.  Now, I was in a huge hurry and pretty sloppy in all aspects of this mani.  So please look the other way!


Ott Lite


Ott Lite
Oh holo goodness, how I have missed your gorgeous rainbowness!!!  As I said, I was in a hurry so I didn't even give this a chance to dry and I added a layer of Collage Overlay, which is a holo, white glitter fest that seems to be in a clear light pink base.  I did not try this on white to confirm, it just looks that way in the bottle.  Anyone out there know this to be true?  I kind of dabbed this on, otherwise it was a pain to apply.  Here is that step.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
OMG!! Do you see what just happened?  This Seche killed the holo rainbows!!!  Even though the glitter gives the sparkle of rainbows, the holo base has been ruined.  Oh no!!!

I was so sad when I saw this happen, but had no time to correct and too lazy to start over.  I finished with my funky.  Here are the results.


Ott Lite


Close Up

As much as I love this glitter, I will not ever put it over a holo again.  I was hoping for a double holo whammy but instead I killed the rainbows!

What do you think of this? I also wanted to say how awesome all my readers are!! I love how you actually read and answer the questions I happen to be pondering that day. I thank you for that!  You guys rock!!

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Today's post is a first for me.  You know how much I just love stamping.  It's my thing. Well the polish I'm featuring today is so beautiful that I just couldn't stamp over it. Believe me, I tried.  I tested out different colors on my thumbs. I just kept coming back to simplicity and showing the beauty of this polish all by itself.

I actually astonished myself.  Never did I think a single polish would make me swoon so. Get this-it's NOT brown!  That even amazes me more!

Before the big reveal, here's the question to ponder for today.  I've been attempting to talk to this guy online who messaged me and we talked on the phone once.  The texts are sporadic and usually generated by me first.  His mantra is how busy he is and how little time he has.  I literally decided not to text him anymore but after a few days of not hearing from him (we last left it that he would let me know when he was free) I texted him just to say hi.  His reply was man you must have been really busy.  My reply was no, I didn't want to bug you when you're busy.  His reply hours later was "I'm always busy."

I've got to tell you that this is way past getting old for me.  My reply basically said, most people tend to make time when they are interested in pursuing a relationship. You have my number, call me if you ever have time and are interested.

The question to ponder is this.  Don't people make time if they are really interested in something, be it a person or a thing?  Just like our nail polish addictions, we all have lives and work and family, but we make time to do our nails and write a blog.  Isn't that the truth?  That if this guy were really interested, he'd make the time right?  Why are guys so impossible?

Here's your silly bottle shot for today.

This is Barry M Blue Plum, from their new Gelly line and Picture Polish Cosmos!!  This is the most beautiful polish I have ever laid my eyes on.  When I saw the swatches The Swatchaholic had done, I knew I had to have it. Plus she said it would probably be the closest to Essie Starry Starry Night we'll ever come to.

I started with Cosmos and an accent of Blue Plum.  Of course, the idea was to stamp with the opposite color, but this was before I laid my eyes on my nails.  Here are the stunning shots.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite
The only bummer is that the sun has been in hiding the past week or so.  I never got to see what this did in the sunlight.  It's a sure bet I'll be wearing this again on a sunny day to see that sparkle.  Is this not the most gorgeous color you've ever seen? Swoooooooooooooooooon.

Like I mentioned earlier, I did some trial stamping on my thumbs.  I tried stamping with Blue Plum but the color was too subtle.  I tried using a light blue but realized that I just did not want to cover up that sparkle whatsoever.

All I ended up doing was stamping the accent nail with Cosmos, but you can't see the design, just some sparkle on the blue creme.  So I just added my funky and called it a day.  Here are the results.

Ott Lite

Ott Lite

Close Up

I even made sure my cuticle lines were perfect for this beauty.  For those interested, I did use Pueen plate 18 for the accent nail.

Have any of you ever had this reaction to a single polish before?  What polish was it? I'm wondering if I should get a back up!!!

Any thoughts on my busy guy story?

Until next time people.  Any thoughts out there?